Oh I have. Hence the letters (and emails) telling me to shove it. I am not their target demographic and they do not need my vote.
Wow, reddit is actually up 164% since IPO. Did not expect that at all
I don't have a Democratic senator. Definitely call yours - even if they aren't a Democrat - but have a chance of voting no.
That said, serious question - does calling senators do anything? I've called mine before a few times and only got their answering machine (I think they just routed all calls to voicemail bc there were unpopular bills ready to be voted on that they had every intention of passing) then I got a stock letter telling me to shove it.
I guess what I'm trying to say is: why does calling senators matter? Does it actually influence policy decisions?
If you zoom out, bonds perform very well for their level of risk. It's only recently that rates have been so bad - additionally, bonds are more than just federal government bonds. There are international, municipal, and corporate bonds as well that should be a part of anyone's bond portfolio. Afaik, the consensus is that bonds will begin to perform better relative to inflation and the stock market than they have over the past 20 years or so. Even though yields haven't been stellar recently, bonds are an important hedge. For instance, the market is down ~2% over the past 6mos. During that time, my bonds earned around 2%.
My high yield/money market cash is earning ~4.15% interest per annum. So it is also performing favorably. It's a good time to have a bit more cash in the portfolio. CD rates are comparable to HYS right now but with less liquidity. That may change, but it has been the case for a while.
So, while I'm not selling stocks regardless of short term performance, the beginning of a market downturn is a good time to shift investing focus to hedges like bonds and foreign stock. I haven't fully stopped DCAing into US stock, but slowing down until we're closer to the bottom. I shouldn't try to time the market, but I am extremely bearish due to current US economic policy and a reasonably high risk of stagflation - so there is a bottom and we're nowhere near it yet.
I have a reasonable horizon to retirement still. I am cash-heavy (high yield savings/money market), I've been loading up on bonds to get to an allocation more traditionally appropriate for my age, and slowing down on stock purchases - will start DCAing again once things get worse.
Damn it's a shame they drew that hand over your cock and balls
I think they mean in terms of workload, not like pay or something. Either you have a lot of work, or very little work. But when you're needed, you're needed urgently.
I think it was specifically for mobile - I whitelisted the facebook domain (easy) but blocking various ad servers would also break functionality on the site.
I might have to try that. I had pi hole set up but my gf couldn't use facebook so I was politely asked to remove it
Yeah it doesn't matter - don't listen to drama fiends. .ml is fine. Lots of people decry it as being a tankie instance. The whole point of federation is you aren't limited to the content on your instance - just by which instances yours is federated with.
If people or your instance bother you, make another account. Otherwise, just ignore the haters
There's a video somewhere of a documentarian undergoing oxygen deprivation under medical supervision by pumping nitrogen gas into a sealed room while he attempted to solve a simple geometric puzzle (like one for kids, putting the circle in the circular hole, etc). He felt totally fine the entire time but became euphoric and rapidly declined in cognitive ability - to the point where he could no longer solve the puzzle but was very confident that he was doing very well. Iirc he asked when they were going to start the nitrogen at some point. When he was supplied with oxygen he reflected on the experience and said he had no idea anything was wrong.
Now I'm not saying there isn't something I'm missing or don't understand regarding suicide/execution by nitrogen, but as far as I understand it, any discomfort occurs after you've lost consciousness.
I have a feeling the backlash when states started considering this as an execution method was intended to paint it as less humane than the 3-drug cocktail to propagandize against the death penalty - knowing that if a more humane method were used, the movement against the death penalty would probably lose some supporters. So, they poisoned the well a couple years ago when this conversation first hit the news.
Now, the real argument against the death penalty is that the state shouldn't have the ability to kill convicts because what is a capital offence can change for arbitrary reasons and the judicial system will always wrongly convict people. But a more visceral argument is that execution is painful and cruel - so take away the pain and you lose the folks you've persuaded using that argument.