I guess the question remains, Who is the enemy to you? Is it Hamas? Is it the people of Palestine? Is it the children and innocent people being slaughtered in mass? Where does the violence stop? What is the limit of "acceptable losses"? Why do the cries and suffering of one group get listened to more than another group?
Fuck Hamas and fuck the Israeli government. Bring peace, not death and war.
Not bombing the shit out of innocent civilians and not committing war crimes is a great start for coexistence. To late for that now though... the only course from here is either a complete cease fire and the releasing of Palestine back to the plaistinians or complete brutal genocide of an entire group of people. It seems the governments of the world are attempting to choose the later...
Not iBaz, but it's the fact that every state that trumps legal team tried to sue had to double, triple, or further check the ballots has made it the "most secure election ever". Basically the recounts that happened in Florida with Gore v Bush happend multiple times when trump attempted to dispute the election.
What a pathetic piece of shit. The senator backed away stating "You're attacking me." After he was informed of the 8 YEAR OLDS gender. If you're threatened by an 8 year olds presence you need to seriously reevaluate your life. Fucking shameful.