It's really annoying because SEARCH IS REALLY GOOD ALREADY and "AI searching" is adding a bad, buggy frontend over either the already good search or a worse version of search (vector DB searches).
joined 2 years ago
As long as there's a ketchup stain somewhere, it's canonical.
Look, it's simple enough to fit on a couple napkins, how hard can it be?
I resemble that remark
We have even better solutions for them!
Yeah I'd find a way to cut and run if I got that kind of money. Torturing simulated rationalists is fun and all but there are better ways to be a god.
remember when sites used to get slashdotted
I think you mean it made the Internet MORE AWESOME and ACCELERATING THE ~~CAPITALISM~~ ACAUSAL ROBOT GOD. How else can we get the singularity if we don't have devs getting at least 300K compensation packages?
Temp containers in Firefox is the greatest extension ever.
I certainly find it aggravating!
She's also into crypto
Rare CS Lewis win