You only get credit for thinking about and warning about something if you have thought good ideas or were right about that thing. Not saying the person he's criticizing is right, either.
I'm up to meet with anybody who's already disembodied and uploaded to the internet.
I... am not... going to simulate these people. Somebody else is going to have to find a way to deal with them.
Indeed. They teach you to memorize a list of fallacies and biases (with their own weird names and jargon), and then proceed to just do whatever motivated reasoning you want using them as weapons against wrongthink that disagrees with The Rationalist Viewpoint.
When somebody wants to put bacteria in my mouth, hearing Aella is involved definitely makes me more likely to hop on board.
what are these fucking clowns even supposed to be doing that's so important? what the fuck are these numbnuts even producing that's supposed to be any good for the world whatsoever? they're traipsing around the world taking drugs and fucking with an entourage of poorly paid non-employees? and producing what? why are those people so invested in any way in them (and don't look now, I'm coming back with the same questions about everybody else in those threads)?
"How can I run over more children and catch fire?" is the AGI's sole thought.
It's really important for me to know the inner workings of his strategies and commitments in order to emulate him precisely! Thanks!
but fascism is a core functionality!
he got transphobic far earlier, one of his kids came out and he's been malding since
Because there was an influential person decades ago who framed subjective probability and rationality in the face of uncertainty in terms of betting. Therefore it is gospel among Rationalists. Meanwhile, their non-zero probability and infinite negative payoff in the face of the acausal robot god leaves them trembling.
Some low-stakes, NSA deity work...