Won’t vouch for this specific article but one of the articles I read on this said it was about who and what evidence should be presented to the jurors relating to Slack communications. This is typical courtroom stuff that the judge gets to decide and arguments made, and that jurors shouldn’t be aware of if we are to have impartiality.
You ignore the part of suppressed wages and denial of benefits. The average American worker does not receive the benefits of the aid
Edit: this is to add to your point.
The lawmakers pretend they don’t understand. They know the benefits of aid aren’t going to the American workers, and because of suppressed wages and non-existent mandatory benefits, the tactic works. The general public is purposefully removed from how any of this works and that allows manipulators to run around yelling bullshit lies that sound true. The bureaucracy works to their advantage, and it’s why we are buried in it.
Adding to it, the treatment of their employees is horrendous and very low paying.
“Your call is very important to us.”
When will legacy media start telling it like it is? The general public has said for decades that the metrics that determine what a “good economy” is doesn’t tell the reality of the average American.
In the article it states they predict that 80% went into the first line, but the bulk of reinforcements are at the 3rd line
They want you to pay for that information
Don’t forget to include gerrymandering
Even if it was summer break for adults, which it isn’t, what’s the issue?!
Don’t forget to include Nixon’s contribution to how the GOP conducts business. He laid the foundation and Reagan just amplified it
Second this. After you’ve achieved this, start working your way to getting your palms on the ground. Just keep stretching