that's why I just kinda hate getting games on consoles nowadays (excluding something like the steam deck since it's just a handheld PC). I always feel so locked in. sucks that there's some cool exclusives on consoles tho like the new spiderman on playstation
I fucking love it every time I hear about some random thing that the EU decides is unacceptable and forces corporations to be much more consumer friendly as a result
yea but if you're assuming the guy might lie then it's just a he-said-she-said between insurance companies that are known to employ awful shitty practices and just some dude and you're taking the side of the corporations
exactly!! Syncthing is really awesome. I sync all my schoolwork between all devices and always have access to the latest version of my stuff
doesn't a 32 bit OS cap memory usage at 4GB per process not for the whole system?
I've been using obsidian+ Syncthing and it's working nicely for me in place of google keep in case you want to switch later on
blaming the people for corrupt practices keeping these old bigots in office isn't productive in the slightest when the country is largely democratic if you look at raw numbers instead of the winning side of gerrymandered districts
the number of Lemmy users has skyrocketed in a short amount of time, so lots of bugs are being exposed that weren't known before. even so, the dev is stretched thin, so it'll take a bit of time before the little things like this get ironed out once more people start contributing and stuff like that
your comment here seemed to work fine
I just tested it and putting
test [he/him]
as my display name worked fine. I'm using Liftoff though. maybe try doing it straight from the Beehaw site if you're doing it through an app?