Absolutely. So I suggest the mini series first. But if they came back with “it was so slow… I couldn’t get through it” then I suggest 33 as a “taste” of things to come.
I think peacock (nbc’s streaming service) has it.
They could be. Or they could be sales, or brand ad coordination, or hr, or legal handling the various issues related to products, lawsuits, regulations, actual law enforcement inquiries, etc.
Like any corporation there’s a ton of backend staff doing stuff people don’t see because it makes the parts they do see operate.
For me that’s where the expanse is so good.
Moral ambiguity, a man who wants to do right encounters so many things that make it hard to know what that is.
The importance of those closest to you.
Don’t feel guilty but as an example I love the BSG remake. But when I introduce somebody to it I suggest they watch 33 if they can’t get through the mini series.
Yes it presumes a lot but it gets you into what’s going on without hours of setup in the mininseries.
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The books are great. Show does a good job moving the intrigue and conflicts to a screen but man if Avasarala and Amos aren’t the absolute best portrayal of those characters.
Avasarala has a heart of gold and a fist of iron in equal measures.
This means she’ll do horrible things (even at her own expense) for what she believes is right and she doesn’t put up with any kind of nonsense.
And yet she plays the political game so well all while pretending she’s above it.
And the Shohreh Aghdashloo knocks the character out of the park. Every move and word both foul and sweet personifies the character in the book that it’s impossible to convey how absolutely masterful the performance is.
And Wes Chatham as Amos is a close second. A man whose moral code is simple because he’s broken, knows it, and so he defaults to “who is the most likely good person I can use as a guide.” Chatham portrays the violence is necessary like doing the laundry.
Turns it on, does the job, goes back as if nothing happened. Oh, I should do this instead? You got it boss.
Or how he conveys in the simple things how Amos feels there is a moral right but having grown up as he did it’s hard to know what that is and who has the authority to enforce it it just chefs kiss
What? Stop beating this guy? Ok. Sorry fella, buy you a drink?
For anybody doing this seriously be careful. High salt/protein and low water sounds like a recipe for all kinds of issues.
For example extremely high water low salts can cause brain swelling and death.
As others have said… a mascot.
But, what would be great in my opinion would be the current folder icon shape stylized like a birds wings.
E.g. flying free amongst the various places of the fediverse
Think O’Reily book covers. There’s always some associated animal with a particular tech stack
Ooh. A small broken octagonal habitat shape with the fossilized remains of dolphin bones and dolphin shaped mechanized suits. As well as some kind of buried damaged “launch pad” that could fit a decent sized ship.
Wait… that would be less confusing and more exciting as a earths history kind of thing.
A book like that that I enjoyed was the midnight library.
Easy to read on the surface but there’s a lot of depth to it as you think about it more and more