
joined 2 years ago
[–] Adderbox76 8 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Well shit. You were my escape plan if Canada gets annexed by Trump or votes in our own version of him.

Not even exaggerating. Once my dual citizenship is registered (Portuguese parents), Europe is the plan.

[–] Adderbox76 4 points 6 days ago

Because you can't cosplay the Robber Baron age without bringing back consumption...

[–] Adderbox76 14 points 6 days ago (1 children)

The correct response to that would be: Americans visiting Canada must show proof of vaccination status

[–] Adderbox76 38 points 6 days ago

What Trump can or can't do is absolutely meaningless to him. He doesn't care. Chaos is the point.

[–] Adderbox76 27 points 6 days ago (5 children)

I think Ontario has already paused the Export tax unfortunately. But I would absolutely call his bluff. An attack on Canada would mean a full-blown article 5 crisis before Trump has all of the cards that he wants. While he might be that stupid. Others in his administration aren't.

Just in case, a good show from Carney would be to deploy the military to the area because of an increased threat of terrorism.

[–] Adderbox76 1 points 6 days ago

Mine aren't quite that large. I think my biggest one taps in at about 640 rows or so. Where I run into trouble with LO is more in the way of table formatting, certain calculations that and a few other fixable things. But the two biggest ones are simply that my work spreadsheets use macros, which IIRC, LO handles in a completely different way. And also for some reason the copy and paste function works differently and screws up all my V and H LOOKUPS.

[–] Adderbox76 1 points 6 days ago

It's Durc; Ayla and Broud's offspring from Clan of the Cave Bear.

[–] Adderbox76 14 points 6 days ago

Yep. Nothing fishy at all here. Nosiree.

[–] Adderbox76 13 points 6 days ago (2 children)

This quote in an article from 2012 by Katie Billotte has always stuck with me.

This war on the liberal arts is born from the same desire that produces voter ID laws: a desire to limit democratic participation. The goal of a liberal arts education was never primarily direct economic benefit for the recipient or even the sort of personal/spiritual development about which many like to wax lyrically. The purpose of a liberal arts education was always meant to be a political education. The Latin ars liberalis refers to the skills required of a free man -- that is the skills of a citizen. The Latin word ars and its Greek equivalent techne do not mean art in a modern sense. Instead the word refers to a craft or a skill. Thus, history, rhetoric and literature were seen as the skills a citizen needed for his job: governing.

[–] Adderbox76 3 points 6 days ago (2 children)

Do I like that it's Russian. No. Of course not. But through work I have a few fairly complex spreadsheets that if I have any hope of working on them from home (where I run Linux entirely) while being able to then open them back up properly in Excel at work. LibreOffice Calc just falls apart.

Don't get me wrong. I love LibreOffice. Heck, I even helped out a bit a long time ago writing the documentation for some long ago version I don't even remember anymore. But it's just not good enough to risk corrupting my spreadsheets and losing my ability to work on them on both work and home computers. OnlyOffice is the only one that has been flawless in that regard.

Do I want to ditch OnlyOffice because of the Russia connection? Yes. Can I? No. That being said, I'm not paying for any services like cloud sync or web editing. I just have their "community edition" desktop editor.

[–] Adderbox76 6 points 6 days ago

In Trump's syphilitic brain, "Making America Great Again", means every other country with the exception of Russia and China, bends the knee and does what America wants, no questions asked. To him, THAT is power. He's too stupid to comprehend the concept of soft power and his diplomatic intelligence amounts only to trying to force others to be nothing more than client states.

This is just bullying tactics to try to make them do that. With the added benefit of destabilizing the west for Putin's benefit.

[–] Adderbox76 2 points 6 days ago

Still one of the best threats in film.

This whole movie is endlessly quotable.

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