Looks tasty, but what about a recipe?
I couldn`t sleep for weeks after watching it as a kid. Many decades later I met my wife. It turns out she also had nightmares as a kid after watching E.T.
I write a lot and for my job I need a pen I can open and start writing right away. That's why I prefer the screwless cap. With a a screw cap you have to screw the cap back every time otherwise it will dry out very fast.
Most of the time I write at a desk. I want something that looks like a fountain pen, simple not too pricey, nor showy. I have a lamy safari, but I'm not looking for something exactly like that. And the $ 100 dollars range, i can go a little bit over, or even a bit under it. And I've got no preference for any kind of filling mechanism.
Yep, background settings still not resolved. Every second time you save the settings, everything returns to default settings
I've been having the same problem everytime i change the font size and background color. Thet devert to default settings. The same thing happens whem i close/open the app. The font size and blue are a pain to my eyes
I've got the same issue.
Curaçao. Thanks!
Looks nice, but not available in my country.
Thank you!