I'm sure he had to dig deep to endure the smell of urine and feces as is popularly described.
Indeed. The games the govt plays with our money.
But this was one of the original shit replies that demonstrates the energy the person expends replying is greater than that of not replying at all. What will they do with all that self righteous energy now?
You wrote two sentences. The 2nd answers the first.
Well ... um ... you reported that he shouted in your headline but didn't see the irony in what he was saying as you reported it. Nice job, Newsweek for supporting his statement through your actions.
People in the US have justifiable revulsion to its rapacious healthcare system leading to outright un-aliving of a large segment of the population. One might argue that it's a silent genocide of the underprivileged. This incident has highlighted that sentiment in a way that may effect real change and in a way his untimely demise may lead to positive health outcomes. Suppressing the expression of that anger could have the opposite outcome.
That revelations thing sure is fucked up. But then again if you're still suspending your disbelief after the talking snake in Genesis, any of the locusts with human faces shit in rev is on the table I suppose.
I had the same question. I'm not wired to say shit like that so it's surprising that it's that common.
Elections are theater as long as corporate campaign funding exists.
I live in a city with a city Hall that looks like that. Every year they clear the common of homeless people in order to draw people to the city for Christmas season. Clearly the city managers think it would be a bad look with all those underprivileged people around spoiling the holiday vibe. Because I'm oppositionally defiant and have strong feelings about the use of my tax dollars in this way, I'd take great joy in seeing someone projecting "Hail Satan" on that building during peak festivities.
As long as the main line kernel remains independent, they can have at it.
That's what the dumb ass voters in the state voted for. That's what they get.