
joined 3 years ago

Tiu estas tre uzindan!


Holterman immediately rushed to see his general practitioner, who prescribed him a round of antibiotics. Unfortunately, the drugs had no effect, and the personal assistant’s condition began to deteriorate further, with the bumps lingering for several weeks.

Better question: Why did the doctor jump immediately to antibiotics instead of checking the pathogen?

U.S doctors suck ass…


transafiŝita el:


  • Patr'o: ĝeneralseksa patro.
  • Patr'in'o: ina patro.
  • Vir'patr'o: vira patro.
  • Vir'patr'in'o: interseksa patro

Instru'ist' enhavis viran sencon; sed nun tio enhavas ĝeneralseksan sencon.


  • Patr'o: for parent
  • Patr'in'o: for female parent
  • Vir'patr'o: for male parent
  • Vir'patr'in'o: for intersex parent

Instru'ist' used to have a male sense; but now it has a unsexed sense.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


  • Patr'o: ĝeneralseksa patro.
  • Patr'in'o: ina patro.
  • Vir'patr'o: vira patro.
  • Vir'patr'in'o: interseksa patro

Instruist' havis viran sencon; sed nun tio havas ĝeneralseksan sencon.


so, it turns out my sibling, after college, they became fearful for their (and our family's) life and started pressuring my family. They are controlling me, my grandmother, and my mom.

Recently, I've seen this manifest in their confrontations.

  1. They says something ridiculous (usually about leaving the door unlocked for 10 secconds; not looking behind enough; ).
  2. I prove them wrong;
  3. They gets mad and insist being right.
  4. I slowly get angered when they keeps insisting I'm wrong
  5. then I get uncomfortable and angered so I request to end the conversation and they refuse and insist on me "listening to them" (repeat, multiple times)
  6. I enforce my boundaries (usually when I get harassed).
  7. They harass and try to assult me (they broke the door in my room).

This happened in the past few months…

Well, my mom (a "mental health" therapist, ugh) is basically not doing a thing to fix their problems (anger management therapy); my mom instead just coddles them and blames me for starting them up, when they are pressuring me and our family. (Why am I surprised? Christian liberal-supporters who haven't read the bible, get mad when their children curse (but nor anyone else), and overstock on food; turn out to be garbarge parents and enablers…)

My aunt went on about how "I need to bond with my family and work together" (which really just means "do as they say").

Grandmother cant do a thing about it; because she's weak.

Also, I'm thinking about signing out for good; if I keep posting; I might actually dox myself.


The fuck is OP's problem? He cooked for himself, not you; and he didnt pester you to cook.

Also, naan bread requires cooking… so either he cooked it or ordered it. Either way, who cares?

[Neveraj diroj pri Esperanto] (
submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Mi nesuprizis ke malkontraŭkoloniistajn burĝarojn disdiras tiajn malverojn pri Esperanto.

Ankaŭ, esperanto fondata sur kunigeblaj vorteroj. esperanto ne fondita sur afiskoj.


Even more based.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (3 children)

Why are you using discord?

vi uzas diskordon por kial?

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Kial ne uzu vorton "oni"?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 years ago (3 children)

Physicians can persecute anyone they want through psychiatry.

Procapitalist physicians have become police collaborators.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (2 children)

I got curious about what the Bolsheviks would have done so I searched.

Interestingly enough, the Bolsheviks seemed to have went for no fixed or constant age of consent; instead, they used the presence of puberty as a primary factor for the age of consent. Courts would use medical testing to determine if a person was going through puberty.

In the 1922 RSFSR Criminal code of article 166 and 167:^[ (russian, use translator)]

4. Преступления в области половых отношений

  1. Половое сношение с лицами, не достигшими половой зрелости, карается - лишением свободы на срок не ниже трех лет со строгой изоляцией.

  2. Половое сношение с лицами, не достигшими половой зрелости, сопряженное с растлением, или удовлетворение половой страсти в извращенных формах, карается

4. Sexual offences

  1. Sexual intercourse with persons who have not reached puberty is punishable - by deprivation of liberty for a term not less than three years with strict isolation.

  2. Sexual intercourse with persons who have not reached puberty зрелос, involving corruption, or the satisfaction of sexual passion in perverted forms, is punishable - by deprivation of liberty for a term not less than five years.

Same for the 1926 RSFSR Criminal code:^[ (russian, use translator)]

  1. Sexual intercourse with persons who have not reached puberty, involving corruption or satisfaction of sexual passion in perverted forms, - imprisonment for a term of up to eight years.

Sexual intercourse with persons who have not reached puberty, committed without the specified aggravating signs, - imprisonment for a term of up to three years.

  1. Debauchery of minors or minors committed by means of debauched acts against them, - imprisonment for a term of up to five years.

  2. Sexual intercourse involving physical violence, threats, intimidation or using the victim's helpless state by deception (rape) - […]

  3. Entering into marriage with a person who has not reached the age of marriage, - imprisonment for a term of up to two years. Entering into a marriage with a person who has not reached puberty , or forcing him to enter into such a marriage - the measures provided for in Article 151 of this Code .

So, for example,

  • If there was a 16 year old teenager and they had not gone through puberty, they would technically be considered a minor and thus lack age of consent.
  • If a 15 year old teenager had initiated puberty and there was no coercion, they would have consent.

What I wonder is what would happen to people older than 18 who never got puberty, like some people with Kallmann Syndrome. Would they still be considered minors then?

Of course this is for the RSFSR; I don't know what the other soviet republics did.

Surviving socialist states

The current surviving socialist states seem to have stuck to the more common fixed age of consent concept:

Age in years:

  • China - 14
  • Laos - 15
  • DPRK - 15 (from 0 years, I think)
  • Cuba - 16
  • Vietnam - 18
[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago

Ohh. I should have just meant and said perform sex. I treated the two like they're the same. Sorry.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I thought that was implied through the general term damage, that's why I used the general term damage and not just physical. Sorry if it came off that way.

(Technically, all damage (physical, emotion, neurological, etc.) is physical as it affects the human body, but that shouldn't and hopefully doesn't downplay their effects and importance of recognition.)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago

Because someone using their power dynamic to coerce a minor into sex isn’t sexual abuse to some people, while it is to me, for example.

That is sexual abuse to me.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago

To attempt answering your question, I dont think its solely a matter of sexual development of the body. Mental development is much more important, especially the ability to manage human relationships and set boundaries.

I didnt think about brain development until now. Yes, that is important.

Age of consent is also not simply a binary question of yes or no

Yes. through dialectical materialism, sexual coercion can't be simplified into merely use of physical force; there is also economic coercion (through capital), and they all influence consent.

One approach I know about is that relationships between young teenagers are only legal up to an age difference of 2 years or so, not with adults.


It also makes sense that parents should be able to decide if their child can enter in a relationship with a specific person, after all they know their child best.

It's also said that the child knows best; and I think that children should learn what makes for a good relationship (no damage of all types).

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago (2 children)

I have issues with rape and abuse; of course I want to be and am against that.

Yeah, maybe I should have worded that more clearly to say "sexual abuse" is still bad.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago

But you’re probably gonna get banhammered anyway. Thanks to horde of libertarians in the internet every discussion about those things is automatically considered bad faith pedo bait everywhere except liberast pits.

Yep. They suck. 😒

That’s why internet marxist stance is “do not talk about it”. From what i see in the real life marxist theoreticians also basically just accepted current societal norm without any comments.

OK, thanks.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago (4 children)

Never said prepubescent sex was good. It's still bad because it damages the child.

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