
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

To answer the specific question (and im rusty on winrar but familiar with 7zip), you should be able to change flags for compression ratio and dictionary size.

When a file is compressed using a general purpose compression algorithm it looks for long repeating patterns and substitutes it for a smaller 'code' , it builds a dictionary of these codes which is stored in the file so the decompression algorithm knows how to expand it.

Take Morse code for example, E is represented by a single dot while Z is dash dash dot dot and as E is used a lot more frequently in the language. And if we only used the 26 letters, we could compress sentences down to a compact binary code of 1's and 0's with dashes as 1's and 0's as dots.

Others have said that handbrake is a good tool and i recommend it too. and as i dont know you use case, im assuming you might want to transfer all these from one computer to another. I believe you could use winrar to make volumes up at 4.7gig (or 25gig) and burn a series of DVDs (or blu-rays) with each disc being full, however if one of the discs gets scratched, corrupted (say disc 12 of 20) then all following data might also get corrupted.

Im going to assume that you've got these from a recording of a set-top box from a playback transfer of a VHS on its last legs and you're digitising an old family home movies.

Lets also assume the video was also recorded at full HD, 1080p (ie. 1920x1080 pixels. The video stream is going to show 2,073,600 pixels every frame), and it also recorded the audio as stereo and the box had an encode rate of 25,000kbps (kilobits per second. This figure is used as an example and may be way off reality bitrates).

So every minute of video might equate to 5megabytes of file size (again picking numbers as guesses).

Handbrake can help make this smaller.

You can do this by shrinking the pixels to be displayed. you could downscale the video to 720p (1280x720 pixels. So 921,600 pixels for every frame) and if everything else was kept the same, the files could be nearly halved but you lose out on some of the fine detail.

You could take this even further by compressing down to something like 360 pixels high and that would be ok to watch on a mobile device, but you'd notice the lack of detail on a 4k monitor.

You could keep the resolution the same at 1080p, and get handbrake to compress it further by lowering the bitrate from 25,000kbps to say 8,000kbps, this would affect the image quality, but handbrake does a good job unless you go for a really small bitrate.

Say my video was of a sunset and the camera doesnt move, the pixels displaying the building in the foreground arent going to change colour often so its compression algorithm adapts. Lets say a bird flies across the screen, so the pixels do change, but there might be a bit of blur around the bird as it flies and with more compression this could be more noticable.

One thing handbrake can do that the Set top box couldnt is look ahead with multipass encoding, so it 'watches' the movie and takes notes of when there are large changes in the image and can use more bits in the file on the segments of change, for example you watch a tv show and it cuts from a indoor scene to outdoors, this change would use a lot of data, but once it shows the first frame, it can switch to just changing a few pixels each frame.

You could also adjust the framerate of the video if it was recorded in 60 frames per second to 30.

You can also adjust the audio recorded by lowering its bitrate, and also merging the audio tracks from stereo to mono, but compared to video compression, this isnt significant.

Without knowing your usecase, id suggest something like a compression down to a 480pixel or 360 pixel resolution and lowered bitrate as a way to burn a low resolution copy of the movies that could be stored offsite as cheap way to have a backup of last resort.

Edit: in summary, try handbrake, use two pass encoding and just adjust the bitrate first and see if the quality is still 'good enough', and if you need smaller files, then try and change the resolution, the frame rate, and audio encoding.

I hope it helps,

[–] [email protected] 23 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Probably 'Australia Zoo', Queensland. Steve Irwin is Robert's dad and was known as 'The Crocodile Hunter' .

Not the first time Robert has been in the enclosure. Steve copped a bit of heat from the press after he went in one day with an infant Bob.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago (3 children)

It may not be malfunctioning. It might be it's way of saying my battery is low, so replace me.

There are 3 types I've seen over here.

Wired into mains, 10 year battery and 9 volt battery.

I think some places changed building codes so all sold or new dwellings had to have either a 10yr or mains, but some 9 volts still exist and I know one which will start chirping when the battery is low.

[–] [email protected] 40 points 2 days ago (3 children)

'Glory' is a movie about Col Shaw and his regiment and worth a watch. Cast (from memory) Matthew Broderick as Col Shaw and co starring Carey Elwes, Denzel Washington, Morgan Freeman.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago

sometimes i ssh to mix things up a bit.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Try this. Red vs blue season 15. a reporter appears after the intro about 3 mins in.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

I think so dumped for OP.

I think one of the Red vs Blue plotlines did include a reporter as part of the episodes around season 10-13. It got a pretty good following, so much so people called for the voice actors to be part of the official games, but they got.pretty close with caboose venturing into reach.

So they started season 1 with halo 1 filming people playing the game and putting their own voices over it. They had two groups of soldiers in a box canyon with bases and they were fighting as part of a 'training' program for super soldiers like master Chief but were freelancers.

They even promoted the new games by making videos about them playing new levels.

They got access to he official models and did motion capture of fights for videos in seasons 6-8 and I turned out about the time the reporter turned up.

If you get into it, my recommendation is watch seasons 1, 6,7,8 and maybe 20 if you want more. 1 introduces the characters , 6,7,8 is a nice trilogy and 20 is the final season.

Spoiling a little . It turns out project freelancer use an AI fragment and tried tonmake super soldiers and the director did some shady stuff and I think the reporter got wind of some things freelancer did.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 days ago (1 children)

I dint have first hand info, but did have a look at the released source, but I could be wrong.

I don't think the cutscenes and media were released and someone said that the original source and openra were written in different languages.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 6 days ago

And instead of making three different games tailoring the same engine, they made one engine and put three different overlays on it so its open to customisation and modding.

They also released an update recently after a long play test. I haven't explored it but think it's new maps, game balancing and stability updates.

Source. I have played it a 'little'....

[–] [email protected] 21 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I haven't delved into the other posts, so sorry if this is a duplication.

What if you make a post saying posts to the sub will now require manual review and as the only mod, you log in occasionally and approve posts.

Probably add some automod restrictions for comments too.

Who knows when you'll get a chance to approve posts.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

My former coworkers (except I don't know it cause ... Someone used the flashy thing...)


Was out on a walk earlier today and wanted to do something sort of Christmas related and try and help people pass on virtual presents in the form of community suggestions.

What is a community you think more people should be subscribed to and why?

My answer is ( Superb Owl, not Superbowl. It's a community about birds, not americal football) and there is frequently high quality images of owls posted which I find cute and I wish I could take shots like that. P.s. I know birds aren't everyone's thing, but I wanted to use it as an example.

And I the community is NSFW but the name isn't obvious, flag it as NSFW.


cross-posted from:

I was out recently noticed two Tawnys in a tree, i was surpirsed as the last i saw any was around a year ago and it was just one where i’d always seen two together.

These two looked very tired. The one on the left was more awake and i felt like i was being glared at. ‘Dude, I’m watching you, I don’t like you and if you come closer, we might have to move, and we really, really don’t want to do that’.

So i came close enough to get this shot and left them in peace but am keeping an eye out for them the next time in the area.


I was out recently noticed two Tawnys in a tree, i was surpirsed as the last i saw any was around a year ago and it was just one where i’d always seen two together.

These two looked very tired. The one on the left was more awake and i felt like i was being glared at. ‘Dude, I’m watching you, I don’t like you and if you come closer, we might have to move, and we really, really don’t want to do that’.

So i came close enough to get this shot and left them in peace but am keeping an eye out for them the next time in the area.


Mods: Sorry if this doesnt fit the sub, but I think people commonly mistake Tawny's for Owls, and they're the closest animals to owls Im likely to see. The image is Original Content (taken by me). Let me know and i'll post to birding or just pics.

I was out recently noticed two Tawnys in a tree, i was surpirsed as the last i saw any was around a year ago and it was just one where i'd always seen two together.

These two looked very tired. The one on the left was more awake and i felt like i was being glared at. 'Dude, I'm watching you, I don't like you and if you come closer, we might have to move, and we really, really don't want to do that'.

So i came close enough to get this shot and left them in peace but am keeping an eye out for them the next time in the area.


Hi Lemmy.World Admins and Support Staff,

I like this place a lot and wanted to give you a heads up pollies down under passed some new laws.

The govt wants a ban on social media for everyone under 16. This week was the last sitting week of parliament and a few bills were passed by both houses and are set to become law. (See link).

I'm not after any immediate reaction or actions, but looking to bring it to your attention for you to discuss (edit:internally) how you would react. I haven't seen the legislation and don't know how this is meant to be mechanized and it seems pretty hard to do.

Some other tech giants have already made statements as this appears to be a worldwide first.

Edit: I might have a look at the laws text and put some details here as a comment



cross-posted from:

Another cockatoo was also eating in another tree. I got the feeling they knew they were being photographed, but one of them screeched an alarm shortly after and the whole group flew off. I saw a flock well over a hundred flying around the suburb later that day.


Another cockatoo was also eating in another tree. I got the feeling they knew they were being photographed, but one of them screeched an alarm shortly after and the whole group flew off. I saw a flock well over a hundred flying around the suburb later that day.


cross-posted from:

As I was walking past, i saw the three Sulphur Crested Cockatoos on the street light and I lined up to get a shot of them early in the morning, but i didnt expect the two magpie-larks to photobomb the shot.


As I was walking past, i saw the three Sulphur Crested Cockatoos on the street light and I lined up to get a shot of them early in the morning, but i didnt expect the two magpie-larks to photobomb the shot.


Behind the Sydney Opera House is Circular Quay, which is the hub of ferry traffic in the harbour. There's also private vessels, cruise ships, , a floating bar and the occasional military vessel.

There are several classes of ferry in the fleet, including rivercats (on the left) which have a shallow draft as they travel up the river to Paramatta.

The largest class of Sydney Ferry are the Freshwater class which travels to Manly and back near the Sydney Heads which can lead to a bumpy ride if there's a swell.


I recently did some freelance work and due to a misunderstanding of what would actually be delivered, I decided to draft up a short but written agreement for future clients.

Although a written discussion was had about what was to be done, it appears both parties had different ideas about what would happen.

Im largely dealing with a client I get on well with and wanted to keep things simple and the template I've got is:-

Event name:

Event dates:

Overview of services to be be provided onsite:

Specific services (if any) : (shots considered essential)


Deliverables: (quantity, format , delivery timeline)

Copyright: (stay with photographer or rights to be signed over)

Post event services: (any editing that may take significant time)

Cost and payment schedule: (booking fee, payment milestones)

Limitation of Liability: under no circumstances shall I be considered liable for more than the agreed cost of services to be provided.

Travel arrangements: (these might be omitted from what is sent to the client but should be considered)


Food / Incidentals:

Is there anything you would add ?

Edit: if it was something I'd consider for use with the general public then I would go through a lot more rigour and probably involve lawyers.

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