A friend asked me the other day "do we think that 'trans glow-up' is due to someone coming into their own style post transition, or actually just due to being happier and this shining through?". My reply was basically that "both. Both is good" meme
Bluey in general is pretty great. I wish that kids TV had been this enjoyable the last time I spent time around a child
Edit: the above is a lie, because whilst it may be for an older age bracket than Bluey, I wouldn't have watched Phineas & Ferb if not for my significantly younger-than-me brother, and that was pretty fun
I actually read some very recently because I heard that the recent PhilosophyTube had a bunch of bad takes. He's actually far more fun to read than I realised
France have made this law, I think. More countries should follow their example
My experience is actually in the UK, but based on anecdotes from friends, it's similar in the US.
In my case, in one of the years, I could apply to stay in university accommodation over the Summer, but the room I was allocated for that was tiny, so I needed to get some storage anyway. It's annoying as hell
International students often use it because it's not feasible to take their stuff home over the summer. I also used Summer storage, because I was estranged from my family, so didn't have a "home" to go back to and would have to spend the Summer in sublets or couch-surfing (the only accommodation that would accept me as a tenant were student properties, which is why I typically had to be out over the Summer).
I'm unskilled at economics, so I may well be missing something, but this explanation doesn't sit well with me. I think it's because I'm not sure how well Marxian economics applies to the current conditions; As part of a university scholarship, I had to do an internship somewhere exceedingly corporate, and I was aghast at how there were entire divisions whose functions seemed to produce nothing of real value, just more metrics and dashboards and spreadsheets. I imagine people more learned than I have applied Marxian economics to problems like that, but trying to reconcile that situation with any notion of "value" makes my head hurt.
To be clear, I'm a big fan of Marx, even if I haven't the patience for parsing economics definitions.
This is well articulated. Like many, I am also frustrated by the "They go low, we go high" strategy in which Democrat politicians hamstring themselves, but on the wider scale, it is useful to bear in mind that we are fighting for a fundamentally different world than what our opponents are (though certainly it would be great if elected officials could be a little less pathetic)
"Discord just last week shut down a server that was my main local friend group, and we had to scramble to reconstitute it."
Damn, that sucks. How big was the server? Do you know why it was shut down?
I wonder if this might have been why they shared it. Sort of like "We've got an idea that we think is good, but it also clearly needs work"
Sad news. fivethirtyeight made one of my favourite things on the internet. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/p-hacking/
It's an excellent piece of science communication and dynamic data visualisation. I say this as a scientist who is increasingly drifting towards the science-comm side of research.
They did incredible work, and I hope that the people behind the work can find stability and fulfillment in whatever work they seek after this.
"All Swedes are basically fluent in English already and there's no point keeping tiny little language around in a global world."
I find this perspective interesting, because to me, this same justification would make me less inclined to support kids learning Swedish (if I were Swedish). This is a purely abstract question for me though, as I am English, and salty that I didn't get a chance to learn a foreign language in school.
Edit: just seen your comment about Scanian, which gives additional context to your viewpoint