
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 11 points 2 years ago

What are the odds that the random website it gave me was my physics study guide in high school? The Hyperphysics website


Så er det endelig fredag! Dette er tråden, hvor der snakkes om alt og intet.

Denne stickytråd oprettes automatisk hver fredag kl. 7.

Hvis du ser dette indlæg har jeg ikke vågnet endnu. Jeg poster dette med botten.

Dette er en test for at se, hvis botten klarer at poste på et eksternt fælleskab. Jeg skal "ikke" gøre det her med mit eget konto i fremtiden.

Især ikke dette konto.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I think that if a platform wants to support long-form content, it needs to make design choices around long-form. It can't be a short-form content UX with an arbitrary limit removed so that long posts can be created, if they're going to be displayed and interacted with in the same way as 280 character tweets.

Some design choices that made Tumblr better for long-form posts and discussion: Being able to tag a post without writing the tag inside the main post body, so posts can be categorized without messing up the content. Text formatting support. Media can be inserted into any part of the text instead of forcing them to appear at the bottom of the post. Q&A. Post archives. Custom blog theming. One account can have multiple blogs to organize content. Replies show the context of what they're replying to when shared. Support for commenting on posts. They combined these effectively with short-form design like the centralized feed of posts and interaction buttons.

Another reason I prefer Tumblr over Twitter is because Tumblr's format makes discussion most visible, while Twitter makes soapboxing most visible. Tumblr's design has flaws, but it's the best example of platform design that balances long-form, short-form and discussion in my opinion.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 years ago (1 children)

It supports both, which is why I like Tumblr's format the most. You can make short status updates like Twitter or long, informative articles on the same blog and it doesn't look out of place.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 years ago

Many of the online stores I shop at have offers like "leave a review and you'll get a coupon for your next purchase", so they get a lot of pointless reviews like "It arrived. Didn't try the product yet. 5 stars"

I find that there's a very strong correlation between the average age of the customer base and the uselessness of the reviews.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 years ago

I don't blame the community for wanting to avoid enshittification. In an ideal world, everyone should.

But that's not what they're doing. They're not making any concrete protests to Tumblr's anti-privacy and anti-user changes. They refuse to search for and create Tumblr alternatives. They only cry (on Tumblr) about how Tumblr is the only site left for them, please don't add this feature my autism and depression can't handle it blah blah blah. They're actively sabotaging monetization strategies that are user-friendly. They are - as a low-tech demographic that would rather have a "free" service than a paid user-friendly one - the reason why Tumblr has to enshittify.

Used Tumblr for 11 years because Tumblr has my favorite microblogging format. No longer frequently. The user quality dropped massively after December 2018.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago

The term "enabling PVP" was suggested by Tumblr users because of the aggressive attitude the community would have towards sponsored posts. As you can expect, nobody wants to spend money to be harassed, and terms like this turn people off spending money on the site.

I don't understand why Tumblr admins embrace the factors that make spending money on Tumblr bad, instead of culling the free users who attack paying users. It's not even like the remaining Tumblr users can revolt. They're hated by the rest of the internet, they don't have anywhere else to go and they don't have the tech know-how to set up their own site. Tumblr can't expect to maintain their "unique website culture" and make money at the same time.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 2 years ago (6 children)

I used to be interested in Tumblr joining the Fediverse, as someone who strongly prefers Tumblr's long-form microblogging to Twitter's format. Unfortunately, Tumblr has shown itself to be just like any money-hungry corporation at a smaller scale.

Tumblr is trying to push Tiktok-style short video Tumblr Live, which is filled with trackers, and they have plans to change their UX to be more like Twitter because Twitter is more profitable. Tumblr has the advantage of having a very low percentage of technical users, who accept these changes and don't find workarounds because they don't know what's going on.

With the direction Tumblr is going in, I'd defederate it if it ever starts federating. I want a Fediverse software that mirrors Tumblr's long-form microblogging, not Tumblr itself and definitely not its horrible community.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 years ago (5 children)

They had a good idea for monetization which was allowing users to buy advertising space for their own posts. The more you paid, the more users would see your post. Tumblr's own community ruined this by sending harassing comments and messages to the posts that were advertised with this feature.

Tumblr's biggest roadblock to monetization isn't their site structure or ideas, it's their community.


Inga artiklar om det här på engelska eller svenska hittills. Summering från två artiklar på nederländska (här och här):

Förra veckan meddelade brandkåren i Amsterdam stadsborna att läsa en stormvarning på sitt Twitterkonto, men under perioden var Twitter stängd för utloggade användare. Brandkåren var inte medveten om Twitters policyändringar. "Vi kontrollerar inte varje dag att allmänheten har möjligheten att läsa våra tweets", säger brandkårens talesman.

Nu ges uppdateringarna ut på en liveblogg på hemsidan för Amsterdams kommun.

I fredags skapade den nederländska regeringen en Mastodon-instans på domänen, som är en subdomän av regeringens officiella domän. "Instansen är inte officiellt i bruk än. Vänligen ha tålamod", skriver instansens adminkonto.

Instansen förhåller sig till statliga regler och använder en lista över begränsade och upphävda instanser vars medlemmar inte får interagera med instansen. Instansen är avsedd för statliga myndigheter och inte enskilda tjänstemän.

"Regeringen kommer att använda Mastodon-instansen från och med denna månad", skriver landets statssekreterare för digitalisering. Instansen förväntas bli "ett värderingsdrivet alternativ till social media" för statliga konton. "Den ska överlätta regeringens övergång till att bruka konkreta alternativ."


När du skriver en kommentar kan du ~~göra~~ formatteringstricks med Markdown, men Markdown-parseren som Lemmy använder konverterar inte innehållet till plaintext när den lagras i databasen, vilket gör det möjligt att gömma körbara skript i en kommentar.

Idag använde en hackare länkade bilder i kommentarer vars alternativtext innehåller skriptet som stjäl autentiseringsnyckeln av användare som laddar kommentaren. Med den metoden fick hackaren tillgång till en av adminernas konton och la till bilden med skriptet i sidebar, så alla inloggade användare skulle få sin nyckel stulen (eftersom sidebaren laddas på varje sida).

Som användare är det bäst att du inte besöker Lemmy-sidor inloggat på en webbrowser just nu - attacken är inte begränsad till och kan användas till att hämta autentiseringsnycklar från alla instanser som inte blockerar körbara skript.

Admin kan lägga till script-src 'self' 'nonce-$RANDOM' till instansens Content Security Policy på proxyservern för att blockera körbara skript på sidan. Läs mer här för att lära dig mer om hur exploiten fungerar (extern instans, du blir utloggad).


Det är fint med ett brett urval gemenskaper för kategorisering, men nu när det finns få användare på instansen leder det till att innehåll blir utspridda och får mindre engagemang. Federerade användare har inte ens en översikt av alla inlägg som postas på instansen och skulle tro att instansen är död om de råkar på en av gemenskaperna och ser knappt några inlägg där.

Jag vet att folk "inte vill att blir Reddit" och undviker gärna en gemenskapsstruktur som speglar /r/Sweden, men jag tycker det är hälsosammare för aktivitetsnivån att koncentrera allt på en plats när användarantalet är litet och dela upp ämnen när takten ökar.


Den här är en enkel AutoMod som kan (inget annat än att) schemalägga trådar. Den konfigureras med en konfigurationsfil. Om botten inte används med Docker måste man skapa en mapp i src som heter config och kopiera dit sin config.yaml.

Jag har planer att lägga till moderationsfunktioner till botten så den bör köras av instansens administratör, annars kan botten inte utföra dessa funktioner när den saknar moderatorprivilegier.

Konfigurationsfilen nedan är för en bot som skapar trådar på /c/fedditnu måndagar och fredagar kl. 7. Botten kan hantera (så vitt jag vet) obegränsat med trådar. Rubriken och meddelandet i inläggen går att ändra, de här kopierade jag från /r/Sweden och är bara exempel.

Om det finns behov för variabler såsom dagens datum i rubriken kan jag integrera dem i framtiden.


timezone: 'Europe/Stockholm'

  - community: 'fedditnu'
    title: 'Frittsnack fredag'
    content: |
      Äntligen fredag! Vad har du gjort denna vecka? Vad vill du göra under helgen?

      Den här tråden skapas automatiskt varje fredag kl. 7.
    frequency_unit: 'weeks'
    frequency: 1
    day: 'friday'
    time: '07:00'

  - community: 'fedditnu'
    title: 'Exempeltråd måndag'
    content: |
      Den här mysteriösa tråden saknar ett ämne, men vi kan göra något åt det. Vi tar gärna emot era förslag för trådens ämne!

      Den här tråden skapas automatiskt varje måndag kl. 7.
    frequency_unit: 'weeks'
    frequency: 1
    day: 'monday'
    time: '07:00'

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago

Sen har jag ju hängt på sweddit förut och tröttnat ganska rejält på narativet om hur bra cannabis är för allt.

Bokstavligen jag. Jag pallar inte deras dryga attityd att de som haschrökare vet bäst om reglering och lagstiftning för att de har mest erfarenhet med substansen i fråga. Man frågar inte porrberoende och alkoholberoende när man vill reglera sexköp respektive rattfylleri.

Jag tycker situationen skiljer sig mellan mat och droger då det andra är frivilligt, samtidigt som det finns möjligheter att köpa etiskt odlat kött. Veganpositionen att ett djurs liv ska värderas lika mycket som ett människoliv är subjektiv medan gängens påverkan på samhället är konkret och kopplingen mellan drogköp och gängens inkomster lika stark, så att medvetet bidra till gängen bör inte jämföras med moralen kring köttätande.

[–] [email protected] 28 points 2 years ago (1 children)

This project has a lot of red flags for long-term sustainability. It needs to be forked and maintained by someone who cares about open-source and decentralization, not being a Discord competitor.

  • The developers have no plans for financing the platform. In the FAQs, they claim that they managed to raise $2000 in donations, and that covers the costs for now, so they'll think about financing "later".
  • For whatever reason, they chose to develop not just the messaging client but the messaging protocol, voice, file and media servers. That creates a lot of work for the small team to maintain.
  • They don't want to implement federation, partially because they would have to rewrite their entire backend, but also because...
  • They want to force people to use the instance. While Revolt can be self-hosted, the documentation actively discourages this and tries to obfuscate the self-hosting process as much as possible.
  • The open-source code is also several versions behind so that can keep an advantage over self-hosted instances.
  • The developers are university students who have never developed software professionally or managed a social media platform before.
  • Combine all of this with the lack of financing plans and you will have a service that is bound to implode or become enshittified when the operating costs and platform administration become too taxing.

Revolt is a very impressive full-stack project for the developers' experience level, but it's not a good FLOSS Discord alternative.

On another note, why are there so many children in the article's comment section? Is that really the quality of the average Revolt user?

[–] [email protected] -3 points 2 years ago (3 children)

Jag är emot kriminalisering av personligt bruk av cannabis men tänk dig om detta:

  • Rökare är medvetna om att deras bruk föder gängen.
  • De argumenterar att cannabis är ofarlig och inte skapar beroende och därför ska legaliseras.
  • Men de godtar oftast också bojkotterna mot företag med ryska verksamheter eftersom de inte vill bidra till krig och våld.

Så varför slutar deras moral med att inte bidra till krig och våld vid just cannabis? Är det, måntro, på grund av... ett beroende? 😂

Märk också att sidan den här artikeln kommer ifrån heter "cannabisifokus", så klart en webbsida som riktar sig till haschrökare ska hylla allt som gör det lättare för dem att röka som "faktabaserad politik".

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago

Sorry, I don't get this argument. Is not being able to avoid corporations justified because people are forced to use email? Social media is also becoming a lot less optional these days. I know a lot of small businesses that only share location and contact information on Facebook or Instagram, because they don't want to invest in building their own website.

I also hate this concept that there is a hierarchy of users in the Fediverse, the "core users" and I suppose, the "idiots who migrated over from a bigger social media site". Look how well Lemmy performed from 2019 to mid-2023 with only "core users", it was a graveyard. As long as a real person has an account on the Fediverse that they actively use, they are a Fediverse user, and they must be considered when discussing the Fediverse in general.

There will always be instances that do not federate with corporate instances, just like how you can set up an email server that blocks Gmail and Outlook. But I don't want to see a Fediverse where these instances are dead and marginalized because corporate instances consumed most of the Fediverse.


Happy July 1st! Starting today, free third-party Reddit apps will no longer be usable, but as much as we don't want to admit it, some of us still miss the content on Reddit, and it can be hard to resist the "just browse Old Reddit with an adblocker" loophole. Before we get into yet another "crossposting bots on the Fediverse" debate, here's a quick summary of what this bot is and is not intended to do:

Intended Not intended
Allow users to consolidate their link aggregation and discussion feeds onto an open-source, non-proprietary site "Increase activity" in a community by compensating for the lack of real users
Encourage ex-Redditors to spend more time on the Threadiverse when they are able to access their favorite content here Serve as a "bridge" between Reddit and the Fediverse. Threads are archives and messages will not be synced back to Reddit
Preserve thoughtful, valuable and informative content, and make them accessible without a privacy-hostile corporate platform

(Please don't leave comments on the Reddit archive threads on the demo instance.)

Leddit is a fork of and does not use the Reddit API at all. Unlike which is a public service, Leddit is meant to be self-hosted on a personal instance as syncing comments is a very slow process that will get rate-limited on a normal instance.

Based on my demo instance that syncs posts and comments from two subreddits with a combined subscriber count of about 1 million, this takes about the same amount of time that takes to sync only posts from more than 100 subreddits.

An example of a thread that is automatically created and updated by Leddit can be seen here. The header message and position can be customized. Leddit preserves the comment thread's structure and identifies the OP in the comments.

For shorter threads, all comments are synced, but comments in longer threads that are hidden below "show more comments" are not synced as they consume additional requests to Reddit with very little content in return.

If there's interest, I can also add a feature that allows the bot to archive entire subreddits instead of retrieving the newest posts. Please feel free to ask for support to set up your personal bot and instance in the Leddit Lounge community.


Happy July 1st! Starting today, free third-party Reddit apps will no longer be usable, but as much as we don't want to admit it, some of us still miss the content on Reddit, and it can be hard to resist the "just browse Old Reddit with an adblocker" loophole. Before we get into yet another "crossposting bots on the Fediverse" debate, here's a quick summary of what this bot is and is not intended to do:

Intended Not intended
Allow users to consolidate their link aggregation and discussion feeds onto an open-source, non-proprietary site "Increase activity" in a community by compensating for the lack of real users
Encourage ex-Redditors to spend more time on the Threadiverse when they are able to access their favorite content here Serve as a "bridge" between Reddit and the Fediverse. Threads are archives and messages will not be synced back to Reddit
Preserve thoughtful, valuable and informative content, and make them accessible without a privacy-hostile corporate platform

(Please don't leave comments on the Reddit archive threads on the demo instance.)

Leddit is a fork of and does not use the Reddit API at all. Unlike which is a public service, Leddit is meant to be self-hosted on a personal instance as syncing comments is a very slow process that will get rate-limited on a normal instance.

Based on my demo instance that syncs posts and comments from two subreddits with a combined subscriber count of about 1 million, this takes about the same amount of time that takes to sync only posts from more than 100 subreddits.

An example of a thread that is automatically created and updated by Leddit can be seen here. The header message and position can be customized. Leddit preserves the comment thread's structure and identifies the OP in the comments.

For shorter threads, all comments are synced, but comments in longer threads that are hidden below "show more comments" are not synced as they consume additional requests to Reddit with very little content in return.

If there's interest, I can also add a feature that allows the bot to archive entire subreddits instead of retrieving the newest posts. Please feel free to ask for support to set up your personal bot and instance in the Leddit Lounge community.

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