A.G. Barr of Scotland produce a variety of fizzy drinks, including Barr cola. Can be seen in most medium or above sized shops in the UK, unsure of their availability abroad.
Previous government intended to cancel the leg to Euston despite all the work already being done to save money, but hadn't confirmed.
It made little sense because they'd already spent a lot of money to build a good amount of it and would've made all of it a waste.
Not to mention, having a high speed line terminate further than the main line it's meant to take pressure from would've defeated the point.
Only 121 votes, a very slim margin.
Central Devon was even closer, a majority of only 61 votes!
Wholeheartedly agree, best we can do is do business with local shops where possible.
Which would make perfect sense if there was some way of adding '... but don't count my vote if it makes electing the Labour candidate less likely' to your ballot. As it is, the effect of voting Green is to make a Labour government, and therefore any effective action on climate change, less likely. So, your real choice is: A Labour government, that does something (even if it's less than you'd like) or voting Green and handing government back to the Tories, and getting nothing (which is definitely less than you'd like).
I agree, which is why I'm voting Labour in a Conservative stronghold. Granted they would still be the largest party after losing those 4 seats, even if they don't reach majority they'd still be able to make a coalition, most likely with the Lib Dems.
And right now, when Labour are promising to decarbonise the grid by 2030, which may well be impossible, it's especially absurd to insist they do 'more'. 'More' than borderline impossible?
That claim by Labour probably has about 10 caveats that would further delay proper decarbonisation.
We also need to decarbonizing everything, not just the grid. Get people out of cars and onto bikes/transit, switch vehicles to renewables, reduce plastic use and meat consumption etc. Pledges for these would require action that would antagonize the majority of Labours voter base so they'll never make any of substance.
We had these where I worked, what a lot of people miss is these don't actually record until the person wearing it presses a button, it doesn't have the battery life to record, encode, then broadcast video for 8+ hours. No doubt when that becomes feasible they'll give it a go though.
In the UK we have to announce to everyone it's recording. The gangs and thieves know this and don't care. They were happy to attack and rob us when we already had store wide CCTV.
The only deterrent that worked was a security guard we had for a short while, but the company withdrew them because we weren't losing over 5% of our daily take to theft, ignoring that we got the guard because two people had been sent to hospital after being attacked by a gang of youths.
People who vote green know they won't win an election, but do so anyway to pressure the larger parties to do more about climate change. The Greens themselves achnowledge this.
However, the pressure won't have much effect until they start actually taking seats from them. Standing down to give Labour a clear shot would destroy their steady gain in momentum and spoil the best chance they've ever had to get more seats.
Got a 10 year old laptop that couldn't do anything while running Windows 10. Couldn't install Windows 11 because no TPM chip. Was about to replace it when I thought screw it and gave Linux a go.
It now runs as smoothly as the day I got it, and am now a Linux convert.
Dartmoor ponies are such a lovely surprise when you come access them. Very kind and gentle. Hopefully this is a success!