
joined 1 year ago
[–] AnotherDirtyAnglo 26 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Ask yourself... If Putin was President of America and wanted to destroy 200 years of progress, who would he put in charge of the various departments... And then this all makes sense.

[–] AnotherDirtyAnglo 3 points 4 days ago

Two things:

  1. I've never backed my data up to iCloud. It's an irresistible trove of extremely private user data, and I always knew someone would come for it eventually.

  2. If you REALLY want to deter the government, tell them to impliment back-doored encryption themselves for their own data. All the reasons they can't (or won't) do it are all the same reasons why we won't do it.

[–] AnotherDirtyAnglo 6 points 2 weeks ago

Not only are two of my friends parents not going to Florida on vacation, they're selling their condos down there, because they can't keep up with the payments due to the exchange rate... Which has a side effect of crashing the real estate market... Because nobody wants a place in hurricane alley where the home insurance is $1600+USD/month, in addition to condo fees and mortgage payments.

[–] AnotherDirtyAnglo 1 points 2 weeks ago

Is it anything like multi-threaded xz -- in that you're trading encoding speed for size?

[–] AnotherDirtyAnglo 1 points 2 weeks ago

Some of my best, most useful programs sort data from disparate sources into enormous Hash-Of-Hash structures to produce extremely insightful reports. And I wrote the first version 25 years ago.

[–] AnotherDirtyAnglo 8 points 2 weeks ago

The guy who wants to control everything, get the blame for everything that goes wrong.

That's just how it works.

[–] AnotherDirtyAnglo 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Goose... Geese.

Moose... Meese.

[–] AnotherDirtyAnglo 11 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I do my best to check as I'm putting things into my cart, but also double-check at the checkout. I caught a few things that had 'Canada' on the front of the box ("#1 brand in Canada!") that was actually made in the USA. I put it aside at the checkout. Putting it aside at the checkout and demonstrating to others that you won't buy American is encouragement for others to do the same.

[–] AnotherDirtyAnglo 1 points 2 weeks ago

Just checking back in to see how you're feeling about the speed-run of America into an authoritarian fascist theocracy.

[–] AnotherDirtyAnglo 4 points 3 weeks ago

His history / record shows otherwise.

[–] AnotherDirtyAnglo 2 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Like when he promised Twitter an employees a 'buy out' package, then stiffed all of them for upwards of $500M dollars, then won the subsequent court battle, fucking over thousands of people.

[–] AnotherDirtyAnglo 9 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

It creates a cost for spammers. They have to have an account with a Telco, which isn't free, which in a lot of countries comes with some sort of National ID to register. That's the reason.


I used to make this offer each year in November/December on the old alien site before they lost their minds and I deleted everything and left. Over the past decade, I've digitized 100+ hours of video, and close to 1000 photos.

I can digitize the following formats:

  • 35mm negative / slides / négatif / diapositif
  • 8mm film (8mm & Super 8) (without audio)
  • VHS-C "compact" video tape (not full size VHS)
  • MiniDV video (not HD... yet)
  • 8mm Videocassette ("Sony" 8mm / Hi8 / Digital 8)
  • Audio cassettes

Reasonable limits apply - one of:

  • Up to 80 frames of 35mm negatives / slides (2-3 "rolls")
  • Up to 5 reels 8mm film
  • Up to 5 VHS-C videotapes
  • Up to 5 MiniDV cassettes
  • Up to 5 8mm videocassettes

... or some reasonable mix of each.

Output is in JPEG or MPEG4 format. For MiniDV/Digital8, I can provide the original .dv files, but they're gigantic - 20+GB/hr. 35mm slides/negatives are usually returned in plastic sheets suitable for storage in a binder.

Turnaround time is usually 72 hours.

Process: Pack up your media in a box, include your ID on Lemmy on a piece of paper, a USB stick for storage (about 1GB per hour of video). Drop off at my office in St. Henri, and pick it up in the same place a few days later.

People often ask why I do this. Freeing cherished memories from old media is a hobby of mine, I don't do this for a living, but I've accumulated a lot of equipment over the last 10 years of doing this.

EDIT: Formatting.

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