
joined 3 days ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

I wouldn't trust China. Probably trying to serve its interests seeing Russia is going down like an airliner with no more engines.

China also has no interests in an Unified Europe. It would undermine its efforts to place its pawns like they are doing with car manufacturers or that private police force in Hungary.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Alors il y a plusieurs définitions mais à l'origine le nom vient du status donné aux personnes ayant à charge l'encadrement. Donc un cadre.

Aujourd'hui c'est un status donné à une personne ayant accompli une formation professionnelle ou un enseignement de niveau supérieur ou qui possède une expertise reconnue équivalente dans un domaine administratif, technique ou scientifique.

Exemple, un ingénieur. Même sans responsabilités hiérarchique, les ingénieurs sont souvent cadres. Car la fonction qu'ils ont nécessite des compétences intellectuelles à responsabilité élevée.

Pour les avantages, un cadre peut parfois être au forfait jour plutôt qu'au forfait heure. Il ne compte donc pas ses heures et sa performance est évaluée par le travail accompli. Tu peux faire 2 heures dans ta journée, si ton travail est fait techniquement tu peux partir si plus rien n'est possible.

Il a aussi un meilleur salaire, c'est un status reconnu pour un avancement de carrière et tu as aussi parfois des avantages en nature comme une voiture de fonction ou un meilleur plan de prévoyance.

Pour les désavantages, sa passe par des charges sociales plus élevées, le fait de ne pas pouvoir compter ses heures ou de devoir assurer plus de responsabilités.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (1 children)

Yeah, it frightens me too. I hope Embark will work on some mechanic to avoid being a literal "cowboy on maps". I already had a glimpse of this during play test.

Since most weapons are generating noise, shooting could raise your threat level and machines would investigate. So it is better to lay low during a run or if you aim for the Big League (i.e: a bison, big robot on 3 or 4 legs, 3 meters tall or Rocketeer, a flying death machine with...rockets), make it swift. In and out quick to get your reward and avoid getting it stolen.

You also have limited resources, bullets, bandages are not common so fighting is consuming even with melee. Players also had to plan their skirmishes to avoid machines or engage a full team of 3 if they were solo. So it plays heavily on scouting and recon.

Personally, I am a defensive player with a strong scavenger side and preference for stealth. I won't engage fights first but if I stumble on dead raiders, I call it a day, avoid area and go elsewhere.

Communication wheel is also a good mechanic. Embark did good by adding a "Don't shoot, I'm friend" button and "Let's share our findings". Sure it is a double edged sword, you can lie and backstab people but in the end, our "Human side should prevail". Meaning higher stakes for those being sociopaths.

I had short skirmishes being solved with vocal too. It helps a lot. Once in a bunker, players noticed us and started to shoot. We ended fight without causalities with voice after they mistook us for a killing party they had met earlier. We both teamed up, 6 players was awesome.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

Hello there, I'm the mod of ARC Raiders community. I also play a tremendous time on THE FINALS (mostly Heavy) if you want to coop, I'm up to it. Living in EU.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 days ago

I'm feeling obliged to upvote and comment the cuteness of this little creature.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

I miss it too and it's been only 6 months or so. It feel like this game was quite unique to me despite the genre already being used. Embark really cooks hard and well.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

Salut, merci bien je vais faire ça.


[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago

I had luck and got one of few keys available during the playtest of October and boy oh boy it was amazing for an Alpha!

I was aware devs still had a long road to do on some parts and mechanics but the game was stable on my end, a BP to test was present, you had stunning graphics and more.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago (3 children)

Honestly, it frightened me as well at first but once you're in it you realize players are sometimes quite nice if you engage conversation. I used mic a lot during last playtest in October 2024 because it builds bridges better than without and even if I'm not a pro PvPvE player, I like to have another layer of threat aside machines. It forces you to sneak, watch your surroundings and most importantly, listen. Sounds play a huge part in this game. You need to keep cool, evaluate threats and know you might not be able to get everything on a run.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 3 days ago


I tried to announce the creation of the community. It didn't exist here.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 days ago

Embark Studios

While being owned by Nexon they are Swedish and honestly their games are blowing my mind.

Look at THE FINALS and ARC Raiders.


ARC Raiders:

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

Thank you for the share, I made posts and comments to get momentum

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