I dunno, I'm certain that there will be a great number of folks with enough cognitive dissonance to validate whatever he does in their own minds, but I still think that it would sink him.
So Trump is now connected to not one, but two prominent paedophiles... Well we'll well, Seems to me his ring just got a little smaller.
Fen lite
Kodi with Real Debrid. I have used it for a couple of years now. Can get everything as soon as it comes to streaming. I run it through an nvidia shield but you can use fire sticks or chromecast, you also need a VPN and ~$10 every 6 months subscription fee. It's a bit of an upfront cost and will take maybe half an hour to set up but it's totally worth it. I haven't paid for a single streaming channel in about 5 years so it's paid for itself several times now.
Kodi with Real Debrid is the way
He's in Putin's pocket for sure. You remember the closed door meeting with him and Putin his first time in office? Putin came out looking smug af and Trump looked like he'd just seen the ghost of his dead dad. Trump was best mates with Epstien and famously can't keep it his pants. My bet is that Putin has footage of him fucking a minor and is threatening to release it unless Trump toes the line.
Unfortunately, Stamer has a massive majority and can therefore only be ousted by his own party, which he has fairly effectively (so far) brought to heel. The only issue that he is being challenged on is the benefits freeze for disabled people but I expect he will walk that back in the not too distant future to make it look like he's listening.
I completely agree about the voting reform. It will be an uphill battle but it's not impossible. The UK has changed so much since 2011 the Tories have bled the UK dry and this Labour party are as left wing as David Cameron. It's getting the message across to the Gen Zers and younger that voting reform is the way forward rather than letting people like Nigel Fuckface control the narrative.
As a brit I have found it fascinating how American and British politics seem to mirror each other. This is exactly the same argument that was levelled against Brexit. The stats the TV showed was 51% vs 49% in favour of Brexit but only 60% of the country voted and with this teeny tiny majority of voters the Conservatives enacted a massive constitutional change and causes absolute havoc which we are still paying for today.
We've since voted out the party that caused it but it landed us with an ineffective centrist Labour party who are continuing the mistakes of the past and not appealing to the left in the slightest (sound familiar?). This government still has 4 more years left in power but unless they change tack then I am very worried that we will have a extreme right version of the Conservatives in power next election.
The problem is the First Past The Post voting system. It's not true democracy. It's weighted to the right. Two parties, both in the pocket of big business. One who says "Oh, we'd love to help all you poors but it's really not possible to increase taxes on the rich and invest in our country", and the other who says "you'll be poor but at least you're not gonna get deported or persecuted like those gay and brown people".
TLDR: Both the US and the UK need urgent electoral reform. Write to your representative. Make it an issue. Do not stop until it is a number one priority for these ghouls or they will keep fucking us.
Thank you for attending my Ted talk. Goodnight.
The other way round isn't great either, my friend.
Performance art = Painful fart
But he was far too into pawn