
joined 2 years ago
[–] 14 points 2 days ago (11 children)

Nice! Which OS?

The durability comes with the design and the material used. As I said on another comment the first version was very fragile and was bending with barely any weight on it.

After adding a bracket to hold the glass in between it keeps its form even with food on top. It all depends on how you design the piece and in which direction you print. Not always the easiest way to print is the best for durability.

At the beginning I had several issues. If I remember correctly first I has to level the front part, then mark the distance with a wedge and have that same distance on the back.

For this it is important that when you're adjusting the Y0 check on both edges and in the middle. It should be the same height overall

Once it's leveled you need to adjust the Y offset until it sticks, for this you can print a zigzag pattern and it should stick equally well everywhere.

I remember I had saved some videos that explain that let me find them. Also the discord community is helpful for this particular printer

Yes, it looks better than I expected. I will seal it later to prevent bacterial growth as someone suggested here

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Had to make a second version because the one on the post was too fragile. It was bending with just the glass. The new one looks like this

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Yeah didn't tought of that, do you think epoxy resin is enough?


Once I took my cats to a park thinking they would have fun, it was the first time I saw them breathing heavily due to the stress. Can't imagine what would happen going to the beach.

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Geeknights - 2 geeks talking about geeky stuff which is not just 1 but 3 different shows.

Ludology - talks about boardgame design

Self-hosted podcast - this one has a couple ads but all related to the tech and usually includes discounts

Darknet diaries- I think this has a bit of ads but can't remember right now

Hackaday - news about random stuff and cool projects

Just remembered people make games, but it's for patreon only

Omg that brought me memories of StumbleUpon.

Some friends had to restart their business because their only online presence was on Instagram and their account got banned. So all their sales dropped to almost 0 overnight

[–] 18 points 1 month ago (1 children)

It seems to be on a healthy state, there are some communities that I would like to have more content. But that's also on me to share and contribute to the communities I would like to see.

Being a bystander on reddit for so long it's a bit difficult to change that mindset, but I'm trying to share a bit more


Painted it last week, today added the snow. Tried to recreate the one in this picture which seems inspired on the same model

[–] 5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

Even if you need microsoft office for some random file you can use their free web version. Well it's been a couple years since I last needed it I'm assuming it still exists


Hello I've been playing around with an old laptop as my home server for 1 year and I think that now it's a good time to upgrade to something better since it feels a bit too slow.

I was thinking to buy a synology but I would prefer something custom because I hate that sometimes the manufacturers decide to abandon support or change all their terms of service.

My budget is about 1000$ USD, I'm looking for it to have at least 20TB and the option to later add a graphics card would be nice.

What do you recommend to buy? Also what software do you recomend? Also could it work with an n100 mini PC?

I've been using Ubuntu server, with docker containers for several services, but I mainly use it for Nextcloud


I tried to go for a rusty look with glowing green, but it ended looking a bit like military camouflage. I think I will leave them like that and just paint some extra details.

The brown one is still in progress.


Added a bit of green stuff to help blending the transitions. Will be painting them on the weekend


Hello, I like the idea of having a ghost team, but I can't seem to find a good way to build a team.

I want to use the two cars on the left since they look like they've been wrecked, but a team of three cars is already almost all the available points, without counting any equipment.


Hello I've been using cloudflare to get remote access for the couple apps I selfhost, but lately I've been hearing about the wonders of tailscale.

It seems that the free tier is enough for my use. Which would be a safe option to have remote access for my 3D printer? Also how are both in terms of privacy?

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