
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 12 points 21 hours ago

Fra artiklen:

Men nu er der altså ved at ske en slags bruger exodus. Flere søger blandt ly hos det sociale medie Pixelfed, der på mange måder ligner en ti år gammel version af Instagram.

Forskellen er, at Pixelfed opererer med en såkaldt decentraliseret arkitektur. Det vil sige, at brugerdata ikke bliver gemt på en central server, men hver Pixelfed-profil i stedet er sin egen uafhængige enhed. Derfor er algoritmen også kun betinget af brugerens egen aktivitet. Og så er appen desuden reklamefri.

Det er da lidt vildt, at vi er nået til et punkt, hvor der bliver snakket om decentraliserede sociale medier på et så ikke-teknisk medie som Soundvenue. Må fremtiden bringe liv og glade dage :-)

submitted 21 hours ago* (last edited 21 hours ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Fra artiklen:

Men nu er der altså ved at ske en slags bruger exodus. Flere søger blandt ly hos det sociale medie Pixelfed, der på mange måder ligner en ti år gammel version af Instagram.

Forskellen er, at Pixelfed opererer med en såkaldt decentraliseret arkitektur. Det vil sige, at brugerdata ikke bliver gemt på en central server, men hver Pixelfed-profil i stedet er sin egen uafhængige enhed. Derfor er algoritmen også kun betinget af brugerens egen aktivitet. Og så er appen desuden reklamefri.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Ejjj, det er da bare nissen, når jeg har glemt at sætte risengrød ud!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

Interessant! Mange tak, dem kigger jeg på


Nogle, der har erfaring med målere af CO (kulmonooxid)? I så fald, er der nogle, der kan anbefales? Vil godt have erhvervet mig en

[–] [email protected] 10 points 6 days ago

Good point

I believe the original article is open access:

In there, they show the following figure (figure 6):

Where the authors say that 12 μg/ml microplastics in the blood is representative for humans

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Går det så ikke over en firmakonto? Og der er der gebyr på, men firmaets side. Om de så tørrer den af på dig, skal jeg ikke kunne sige

Der står også her, at det gælder private, der sender til private


cross-posted from:

From the article:

Risky play is associated with greater resilience, self-confidence, problem-solving and social skills such as cooperation, negotiation and empathy, according to studies by Sandseter and others. When a study in Leuven, Belgium, gave four- and six-year-olds just two hours a week of opportunities for risky play over the course of three months, their risk-assessment skills improved compared with those of children in a control group2. In this study, the risky play took place at school, in a gym class and in the classroom.


From the article:

Risky play is associated with greater resilience, self-confidence, problem-solving and social skills such as cooperation, negotiation and empathy, according to studies by Sandseter and others. When a study in Leuven, Belgium, gave four- and six-year-olds just two hours a week of opportunities for risky play over the course of three months, their risk-assessment skills improved compared with those of children in a control group2. In this study, the risky play took place at school, in a gym class and in the classroom.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Fornemt, tak for forklaringen!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Er der nogle fordele ved Matrix med Element fremfor Signal, hvis man kun bruger lidt stille og rolig gruppechat? Eller er det praktisk talt det samme?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Fødevarestyrelsen opfordrer folk til at kassere produktet eller levere det tilbage til den butik, hvor det er købt.



cross-posted from:


The disparity in environmental impacts across different countries has been widely acknowledged1,2. However, ascertaining the specific responsibility within the complex interactions of economies and consumption groups remains a challenging endeavour3,4,5. Here, using an expenditure database that includes up to 201 consumption groups across 168 countries, we investigate the distribution of 6 environmental footprint indicators and assess the impact of specific consumption expenditures on planetary boundary transgressions. We show that 31–67% and 51–91% of the planetary boundary breaching responsibility could be attributed to the global top 10% and top 20% of consumers, respectively, from both developed and developing countries. By following an effective mitigation pathway, the global top 20% of consumers could adopt the consumption levels and patterns that have the lowest environmental impacts within their quintile, yielding a reduction of 25–53% in environmental pressure. In this scenario, actions focused solely on the food and services sectors would reduce environmental pressure enough to bring land-system change and biosphere integrity back within their respective planetary boundaries. Our study highlights the critical need to focus on high-expenditure consumers for effectively addressing planetary boundary transgressions.

From the paper - definition of the top global consumers:

The global 10th percentile level of final demand is about US$27,000 per year, equivalent to the European average in 2017. The global 20th percentile level is about US$12,000 per year, comparable to the threshold of high-income countries defined by the United Nations in 2017.



The disparity in environmental impacts across different countries has been widely acknowledged1,2. However, ascertaining the specific responsibility within the complex interactions of economies and consumption groups remains a challenging endeavour3,4,5. Here, using an expenditure database that includes up to 201 consumption groups across 168 countries, we investigate the distribution of 6 environmental footprint indicators and assess the impact of specific consumption expenditures on planetary boundary transgressions. We show that 31–67% and 51–91% of the planetary boundary breaching responsibility could be attributed to the global top 10% and top 20% of consumers, respectively, from both developed and developing countries. By following an effective mitigation pathway, the global top 20% of consumers could adopt the consumption levels and patterns that have the lowest environmental impacts within their quintile, yielding a reduction of 25–53% in environmental pressure. In this scenario, actions focused solely on the food and services sectors would reduce environmental pressure enough to bring land-system change and biosphere integrity back within their respective planetary boundaries. Our study highlights the critical need to focus on high-expenditure consumers for effectively addressing planetary boundary transgressions.

From the paper - definition of the top global consumers:

The global 10th percentile level of final demand is about US$27,000 per year, equivalent to the European average in 2017. The global 20th percentile level is about US$12,000 per year, comparable to the threshold of high-income countries defined by the United Nations in 2017.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 3 weeks ago (4 children)

Det er jo lidt at prædike for de omvendte, men hvor klinger det hult, at politikerne kritiserer ham, når de selv bliver ved med at være på twitter.

Hvordan gør man dem opmærksom på andre muligheder såsom Mastodon? Kan man være sikker på, at de ikke benytter det grundet manglende viden om det eksistens?

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 month ago

Glædelig jul alle sammen!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Umiddelbart har det ikke noget med andres sprog at gøre da et hurtigt opslag på nettet med søgeordene "moden kvinde" i høj grad bringer datingsider frem. Dog med et enkelt resultat til :-) så der er da i hvert fald andre, der deler samme opfattelse af "moden" som jeg.

Enig i, at "en deling" måske ikke er det mest korrekte dansk, men omvendt: hvorfor skulle mit sprog ensrettes ud fra andres perspektiv? ;-)




Fra artiklen:

I 2019 samlede elever også plastaffald i naturen. Der fandt de 31,6 cigaretskod per indsamling. I år er det steget til 37 skod per indsamling.


»Danskerne bliver ved med at smide skod i naturen. Tallene viser tydeligt, at den bløde lovgivning om cigaretskod ikke virker. Der skal hårdere lovgivning til a la forbuddet mod plastsugerør.«

»Cigaretfiltre har i forvejen ingen positiv sundhedseffekt, tværtimod. Filtrene blev indført i 1960’erne for at øge salget af cigaretter blandt kvinder. Filtrene er plastaffald, tilmed giftigt plastaffald,« siger Kristian Syberg, der er lektor ved Institut for Naturvidenskab og Miljø på Roskilde Universitet.

Og her er et link til den fulde pressemeddelelse fra Masseeksperimentet:

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