It is not just the prime minister candidate saying this. Every party leader is in agreement that the talk of annexation needs to stop.
It is not just the prime minister candidate saying this. Every party leader is in agreement that the talk of annexation needs to stop.
Puma is pretty alright from my experience. They are based in Germany, pretty large and mainstream.
Is the claim that a corporation runs this community to do self-promotion actually based on anything substantial or are they just being weird on Reddit?
If they don't then they might lose the Brazilian market and who knows what comes after. It's less about what Apple wants to do and more about what they might be forced to do.
Nokia is a mobile infrastructure giant. They are just mostly business to business, so like Texas Instruments they are rather easy to mistake for being small.
Live service games are not only balanced around tedium, they are designed around tedium. Without it people wouldn't buy boosters etc.
Adapting the meta faster than people can catch up and letting people pay to keep up simply switches the game from balance by tedium to straight up pay to win. Or pay to play optionally, at least, which live service games heavily push you towards doing.
People will chase the meta regardless. Balancing a game by introducing tedium often results in people merely finding the game tedious.
Why the fuck would that be understandable lmao
Krita er dejlig til at lave digital kunst i. Jeg hører den ikke følger helt så godt med til billedredigering. Passer det i nogle af jeres erfaringer?
I would be cautious to trust an American company just because they are non-profit. We know that if they get sufficiently big they can just transition into being for profit (see OpenAi), chances are regulations regarding this won't become stronger later.
Signal being open source of course helps, but it's usually the ecosystem that people grow to rely on that keeps them in place, not the technology. Just look at how big Reddit is compared to Lemmy for a good example of that. If signal was federal that would be quite different since jumping ship would be easy.
And call of duty takes 100 of those xD
Good. There is a lot of fear that Russia will only use a cease fire to regroup.
Talk softly and carry a big stick.