If you aren't training with your weapons you being armed doesn't mean shit. Nobody cares how much you resent your firearm ownership. I own and train with guns for the same reasons I own and train with first aid kits and fire extinguishers. It's called being responsible for your own safety because nobody cares about you as much as yourself.
The "words are violence" crowd is gonna have a tough time dealing with the "violence is violence" crowd. Wish they hadn't deluded themselves into believing the 2nd amendment wasn't necessary in the modern era.
Agreed, the people would rather abdicate their responsibilities to institutions that have no accountability and now we're seeing the results. The majority have grown fat and stupid and now they need to relearn that the stove is hot by getting burned.
Fair enough. Apologies for my country ushering in this horrid administration.
Red flag laws violate the 4th and 6th, no thanks. Background checks can and will be politicized to make sure undesirables get weeded out. We must be living in different timelines.
Never said anything about them being successful, but the intent is plain to see for those not being willfully obtuse.
I'm curious how bad it needs to get? I hope we can pull through but Democrats don't inspire much confidence.
You got any more of that cope buckaroo? I think it's cute you think I'm right wing, clearly a conditioned response. Take care sport.
I'm rooting for you champ. You'll get it one day.
I can only give you information, I can't understand it for you.
Car shaped Irish missiles slamming into Russian oil refineries would be some South Park type shit.