This for tracking taggers like the thing Apple has, whatever it's called. Not data tracking
Nothing's fair with FP when they can't give the option of a jack. So much for caring about the environment
That's why I like Samsung. They at least tell you what kind of update you're installing.
I'm barely on here to begin with. I downloaded Instagram recently (2-3 weeks ago) to message someone I knew and I barely go on it
So the entire article is just based on what some random tipster on Twitter said? Amazing.
Imagine buying a 1TB S24U and still being called "poor"
I don't see what's so enticing about social media. I recently made an Instagram account but even then haven't touched it all (10 minutes maybe every other day). For me it's just a whole bunch of messaging to a friend
People saying the S24 is not small. it most definitely is when everything else is encroaching 11'' territory
That's because it's powering a much larger screen + possibly background stuff
I am so tired of this overdone joke.
IPhone's interface is not simplistic.
I can't figure out how to navigate one even if my life depended on it
Firefox is king (saying this as someone who actually likes it, not as a fanboy)
This for tracking taggers like the thing Apple has, whatever it's called. Not data tracking