Da hast du zwar Recht, aber echte 0815 Menschen greifen auch Reddit nicht mit der Kneifzange an.
Edit: zumindest im deutschsprachigen Raum
Ist nicht gerade der Vorteil hier auf lemmy das es noch ein paar Jahre dauert bis wir die 08/15 User hier haben?
So a typical Perez quali? Got it. I really hope they get someone into that seat that can challenge Max ob more than like 2 tracks each year.
I couldn't watch yesterday, wtf happened to Perez?
Yeah i deleted all comments and my account yesterday. I think I've been on reddit for 9 years, but fuck them. I will probably still use it in the browser when I am looking for specific info, but i am done with doomscrolling every few minutes.
I think 99% to 1% is probably closer to reality even.
I think so too, the users who care enough to even consider 3rd party apps are the ones who commented and posted the most imo.
I already copy boilerplate code verbatim from docs or stackoverflow. Also how would that work in closed source programs?