This is how they justify their jobs.
Knowbe4? That's who we use and their stuff is pedestrian
Can they remove adaptive climate controls as well? If it's 40 degrees outside, I don't want my car to turn on the hear until it detect 71 degrees then start blasting cool air.
One thing I didn't like too well about the whole Kang thing is He Who Remains said that he discovered multiversal travel in the 32nd century and that resulted in the war. This made it seem like traveling the Multiverse was a near impossibility until he mastered it in the far future.
Then as Phase 4 continued, and turns out it's something kinda easy which became the plot for a few movies.
Xmas 2020 with all the "shortages", at the Target and WalMarts near me the holiday aisles was very scant, and practically completely picked over by the week before. I had genuinely hoped that could have been an eye opener for America.
Spoiler alert: it didn't
Or you could be like my mom, who has to buy a new fake tree like every year.
There is a bigot in the town of Saint Denis whom you can beat to death in front of a cop and absolutely nobody will bat an eye at you.
It's about states rights!
How about you read the articles of succession for some of those states. Spoiler alert...some of them genuinely revolve around slavery.
Nobody touches my favorite singing telegram.
Unless they shoot her with the gun, obviously.
How dare they do this to Joan of Arc
I got a $75 speeding ticket when my town put those cameras in school zones. The actual fine was $70, but it included a $5 charge for them mailing me the ticket...which could only be paid online...and they charged an additional $5 convenience/processing fee.
Ah yes, my old manager. Has to be the one talking at any given moment, her meetings always go at least 15 minutes over because she spends half the time talking about every mundane thing her kids said, if there's a meeting/call and 8 seconds of silence she has to make some kind of comment only she thinks is funny and forcefully laugh at it, and her own team members can't give a project update without her talking over them to repeat what they already said or to add info that isn't relevant.
15 character minimum passwords that expire every 90 days and require MFA to remote in from home with 3 separate login sessions just to get to your PC, along with stripped down rights for everyone, even IS. The rights are so strict that if you wanted to, for instance, update a trusted application like Notepad++ because a recent exploit was found which would be a security concern, you can't use the auto-update feature of the application; you have to download it manually from their repository, and run it using a special admin account created for you that doesn't have an associated email address but also has a 90 day password requirement. But you wouldn't been able to use their repository 6 months ago because we block any IP address outside the US and their previous service was located in UK, so if you wanted to keep that piece of software up-to-date with security and vulnerability patches (which they've harped on a number of times before) you'd have to find alternative download services located in the US regardless of how shady.
I wish I was joking.