oy vey
They are using windows wrong, put everything on the desktop and don't worry about all those scary files everywhere else.
I think ignoring the advice is the hard part, as they can be very insistent.
I can hear its power up sounds:
Bwoooup beep beep beep
Yeah probably, but if this forces Tesla to close all factories outside America.
They can save time by only removing ND from END and adding MOR before END.
My favourite Canadian shows
- Kids In The Hall
- Red Green Show
- Loading Ready Run
1/200 (0.5%) don't sound like much until you multiply it with the world population ~8.2 billion that's around 41.000.000, that's more than Canada's population!
Was the 1/200 transfem only or all trans?
I can hear the floppy drive chugging on...
The sad part with switching to CF is that you miss that humming HDD sound, and the loud clicks.
That's one nice thing about Fallout games, they use the old computer sounds.
You'll be fine if you just keep away from Assault Av., Murder Blvd., Rape roundabout and Stabbing St.
Never had a FB account never will.
Yum can't wait!