What is going on? The more i look at that picture the more i get confused.
Reverse image search pointed me to: https://snoozeinmotion.bandcamp.com/album/red-wednesday
What is going on? The more i look at that picture the more i get confused.
Reverse image search pointed me to: https://snoozeinmotion.bandcamp.com/album/red-wednesday
So that's where they got that from!
Service grants citizenship.
Do you want to know more?
Oh we found a mate for the chicken lady
Of course the convicted felon would say that Ukraine should just lie down and let Russia grab 'em by the country.
Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this tasty wall!
Then you have to go into a resource file and find a very specific resource ID for your control panel string, and create a new resource ID to me it to.
Ah yes the joys of working with Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC), Back in the day I supported a VS6.0 application, you have room for 65535 UI elements in an application (Including DLL's) I had to split the ID's up in ranges to enable adding new elements in a sane way.
The way we begin 2025, both the Fallout and Judge Dredd universes come to mind.
I used save states on them also, I can't remember if there were any problems with the puzzles.
Recently I re-played Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 on an emulator and did not feel ashamed by making save points everywhere to avoid re-playing the levels, I had time for that as a kid.
Ups it should have been Bieber, like on the shirt.
I would also get that t-shirt if people constantly think I'm Biber.
Linux is all too woke for Fascistbook with the penguins, furries, and long socks.