I nominate this for Meme of the Year.
This seems like such a strange little piece, and I can't put my finger on why it raises a red flag. I absolutely feel for the people of Ukraine, but I have so many questions.
Are they trying to tell big business that they can raise prices and just point to catastrophes and we'll pay them? Had they not heard of the labor movements of the late 19th and early 20th centuries? What about studying extremist politicians solidarity with apartheid Israel?
Don't know, just feels strange.
-We're sorry sir, no such island exists. Bozos and Musky bought up all remaining territories. You're free to pretend that you're free though, at least until they come around with the brain chips.
I might say it's a testament to American's ability to pay absolutely no attention to the world around them, and still have a huge ego trip thinking they know what's what. The first word that comes to mind when describing what capitalism did to Russia is "criminal." And I don't honestly believe the guilty parties will ever be held responsible for what they did.
Modern day Russia is indeed every bit a disgusting capitalist mess.
Twitter is also censoring Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club, but the dude that stoked a coup attempt in the States is cool apparently.
True! But only capitalism is destroying humanity's ability to survive on this planet. And profiting off the destruction. And incentivizing it to continue, to the detriment of everyone I know and love.
Climate change, another consequence of capitalism that capitalism is standing in the way of solving.
Oh man, I have another idea: end capitalism. We already produce all we need, just got to dump the powerful few that put their power and profit over people's lives.
I think that looking at marriage as a "market" is the wrong approach from the get go.
This was the one that told me most of what I needed to know:
According to his parents' calculations, as long as each of their descendants can commit to having at least eight children for just 11 generations, the Collins bloodline will eventually outnumber the current human population. If they succeed, Malcolm continued, "we could set the future of our species."
Creepy Quiverful fucks.
I don't know what's going on in China. With the titanic amount of bullshit and propaganda that surrounds the country, I don't know if I have time to figure out what's going on in China. But one thing I find interesting when talking to folks IRL about China is, the people who are the most "concerned" about conditions and police brutality there, are the first ones to cheer on police brutality and hand-wave shitty conditions here.