I am trying to create a random question generator on perchance.org for practicing responding to french questions. I currently have a generator that selects questions from a list of questions (“outputa”) (https://perchance.org/4ewrtclbl5#edit).
For example, I have the following in my HTML area:
and I have defined the objects (title, title2, etc.) as follows:
title=Random Question Generator
title2=Second Language Evaluation – Oral Language Assessment
title3=French Level B & C
title5=Des trucs et des astuces:
//Decriver ou expliquer au present
Où travaillez-vous?
Où vous situez-vous au travail?
Expliquez et précisez le rôle de votre ministère.
Expliquez et précisez le rôle de votre direction.
//Raconter au passé
Comment votre travaille a affecté par la pandemie ?
Durant votre carrière, qu’est-ce qui a été le plus
satisfaisant jusqu’ici?
This works well right now, but I would like to improve the generator to be more helpful. Essentially, within the list of questions, there are a number of different styles of questions (i.e. “Decriver ou expliquer au present”, “Raconter au passé”, etc.). For each style of question, there is a strategy to follow when responding to it. To improve this exam aid, I would like to add some standard text under the random question to identify the type of question and to provide some tips for responding based on the type of question.
I was thinking this could be done by first randomly select ing a style of question from one list, and then based on the style of question selected, I could select a random question of that style, and then print the random question along with the standard text. Is there a straightforward way to do this?
Thank you in advance!!
Oh thanks! I will repost this there.