You OBVIOUSLY have NEVER read the Bible like Me!
Good. As someone who HATES Illegal Immigrants and FULLY SUPPORTS sending them to Guantanamo Bay I'm Happy allowing RICH WHITE PEOPLE into the Country to Steal American Jobs and Money!
I'm a Pro Life Republican and I'm just SADDENED that this Happened to a Rich person and NOT a bunch of Children in School!
The ONLY thing they SHOULD be doing is FUNDRAISING off it! NOTHING ELSE except Fundraising!
Why do Republican Politicians care? It's not like Republican Voters WONT vote for them!
That's HIS fault for EATING a BANANA Before paying for it!
-People who Voted for a Convicted Felon!
This is ABHORRENT! PLEASE only Shoot up Children in School INSTEAD of Rich People who Kill MILLIONS each year!
Illegal Immigrant Elon Musk taking BILLIONS of my Tax Dollars if FINE! What I REALLY care about is my Neighbor JOSE who is here LEGALLY and takes NO Tax Dollars but is BROWN!
Why would Trump, the man who failed Multiple Lawsuits for Lying, Lie to ME?
History has shown us that CONSEQUENCES will be SEVERE for LYING in Court!
Wanting workers to be SO Traumatized they're scared to go into Work is how you KNOW they Care about Workers! <3
That sounds like a SMART Decision! After all it's not like Ignoring your Republican Constituents is going to make them NOT vote for you!