Hey! He EARNED that Welfare UNLIKE those SINGLE MOMS working 3 JOBS!
Well then it's a GOOD THING President Musk isn't the CEO of a TON of Private Companies!
Finally! We can get Eileen Cannon off the Bench!
-Law And Order Republicans!
I PRAY to God that when people with Depression reach the End of Their Rope thanks to this they kill THEMSELVES and NOT Rich People!
I HOPE he can do SOMETHING so people ONLY shoot up Schools and Children and NOT Rich people!
What kinda of COUNTRY have we become where you can't Shoot a BLACK CHILD in the FACE for No Reason anymore? It's that WOKE DEI SOCIALISM!
Why would people banning Abortion to Save Babies care about Dead Babies?
If prices go down Trump is a JENIUS! And when they go up its BIDENS FAULT!
Why should the Person in charge of OUR CHILDRENS EDUCATION know anything about Education? She's RICH!
FEMA? We need to get President Musk here QUICK to FULLY Defund it!