it's unclear who she's playing
But we know she'll 🎵be running up that road, be runnin' up that hill, be runnin' up that building!🎵.
it's unclear who she's playing
But we know she'll 🎵be running up that road, be runnin' up that hill, be runnin' up that building!🎵.
We never see anyone loading an 80s Arcade simulation into the holodeck, because seeing a Donkey Kong cabinet would trigger Worf's PTSD.
"useless" is a more positive impression than I have.
That's what I think every Lemmy user looks like.
It's a real shock every time I pass a mirror and am proven wrong.
I guess I'll be rebooted by Mindy until I'm too powerful for the universe... or my windchimes fall off.
That's someone who saw the initial announcement and only thought of their flux capacitor prototype and how the stainless steel body panels make the flux dispersal... something something.
Interesting. I've never seen that but I also don't think I ate sushi as take-out until Covid, so I have little experience to draw from.
I would like to know how researchers got these pictures. Surely the delighted squeeee! sound everyone would reflexively make after finding a bat tent would wake up the little bats inside.
I'm guessing a version with the Enterprise J doesn't fit on the print bed.
That is very cool. The color work is fantastic.
Greeting new Lemmings!
Please wipe your feet, we don't want anyone tracking in any spez.
But Doctor Twink and Fashion Lizard isn't one of those shows