
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 days ago

Heat and ashing.

Due how finely shredded and tightly packed tobacco is, there is much less heat (that the inner finger is more sensitive to than finger tips) and easier to control / denser ash with cigarettes. Compounding this, the filter helps with heat and the between finger hold makes it easier to flick the dense ash. Their similar in components, but less so in functionally.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (1 children)

I used to be really into new music. Now I have 10 bands I listen to and just hope they keep releasing new albums.

I used to be really into standup. Now people mention it and all I can think to say is "Kyle Kinane is still doing comedy, right?"

I used to be really into movies. The newest I've seen recently is the Bob's Burgers movie.

But hey, at least I'm ignoring a lot of my hobbies these days!

[–] [email protected] 4 points 4 days ago (1 children)

But Doctor Twink and Fashion Lizard isn't one of those shows


[–] [email protected] 10 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (1 children)

it's unclear who she's playing

But we know she'll 🎵be running up that road, be runnin' up that hill, be runnin' up that building!🎵.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 5 days ago (1 children)

We never see anyone loading an 80s Arcade simulation into the holodeck, because seeing a Donkey Kong cabinet would trigger Worf's PTSD.

[–] [email protected] 27 points 5 days ago

"useless" is a more positive impression than I have.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 5 days ago

That's what I think every Lemmy user looks like.

It's a real shock every time I pass a mirror and am proven wrong.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago

I guess I'll be rebooted by Mindy until I'm too powerful for the universe... or my windchimes fall off.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 5 days ago

That's someone who saw the initial announcement and only thought of their flux capacitor prototype and how the stainless steel body panels make the flux dispersal... something something.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 days ago

Interesting. I've never seen that but I also don't think I ate sushi as take-out until Covid, so I have little experience to draw from.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

I would like to know how researchers got these pictures. Surely the delighted squeeee! sound everyone would reflexively make after finding a bat tent would wake up the little bats inside.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 days ago

I'm guessing a version with the Enterprise J doesn't fit on the print bed.


The only Christmas Carol I look forward to. From an episode that originally aired in July (Touch of Satan).

Enjoy the great taste of wassail, in cans!


As Home Assistant continues to grow and evolve, so does our commitment to making it more inclusive, accessible, and aligned with the diverse needs of our community. To that end, we’re launching an annual survey—and we hope you’ll participate!

We could keep assuming our community’s wants and needs, but we’d rather base our decisions on data-driven insights 😉. With this survey, we aim to better understand not just how you use Home Assistant, but also who you are as a person, a smart home user, and a member of our community.

First and foremost, the survey is entirely anonymous, and you can skip any question you don’t want to answer. For sensitive questions (e.g., gender), we provide options like “prefer not to say” or open text fields.

Normally I wouldn't spread word of a survey, but considering Fenick has suggested the Home Assistant community use BlueSky over Mastodon, I thought it might be a good idea to reaffirm to them that the Fediverse has a voice. I also wrote in Lemmy in "Other" responses where applicable.

It's a fairly long survey; they estimate 20 minutes, I think it took me around 15 after skipping a few questions.


Sometimes its just nice to know you have company.



UHC, Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield, Caresource and more are removing or redirecting their about us pages.


Brad Currier, a 20-year employee of the bakery and BCTGM union representative, says they’ll be in the same place they are now when Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers (BCTGM) International Union Local 114 is negotiating their next contract in three years.

“We’re expecting things to get worse, not better, over the next three years,” Currier says.

“They’re coming into work on the scheduled shift, and then they’re told that their shift has been canceled, and that they need to come in the next day, which is their scheduled day off,” Gettman says. “This happens to them all the time, so they have zero work-life balance.”


Software engineer Vishnu Mohandas decided he would quit Google in more ways than one when he learned that the tech giant had briefly helped the US military develop AI to study drone footage. In 2020 he left his job working on Google Assistant and also stopped backing up all of his images to Google Photos. He feared that his content could be used to train AI systems, even if they weren’t specifically ones tied to the Pentagon project. “I don't control any of the future outcomes that this will enable,” Mohandas thought. “So now, shouldn't I be more responsible?”

The site (TheySeeYourPhotos) returns what Google Vision is able to decern from photos. You can test with any image you want or there are some sample images available.


I can't say it better than (TV's) Frank Conniff:

Kentucky Fried Movie, Airplane!, Police Squad, Top Secret, etc... I mean, come on! All of these projects and more gave us not just laughs, but huge belly laughs. Jim Abrahams was an inspiration to me and I will be forever grateful for all the great comedy he gave us. Rest In Peace.


Conan O'Brian did this to me.


~~sauce~~ source


Zozo strained a tendon last week so he's forced to postpone his calling of being an orange rocket. He's healing up though.


Mark McKinney from The Kids in the Hall (SNL, Superstore and more) has a series on CTV in which each episode has him trying out a new hobby by spending time with a mentor. In series 1, episode 6 his mentor is James Chatto who is Mae Martin's dad. They show a brief clip from the prize task.

Mark, James, and another puppeteer

Just before the reveal I said to my wife, "I half expected them to tap Mae's dad for this" since I didn't recognize him by name.

Sadly, I'm not sure how to watch it legally outside Canada or a VPN's Canadian IP.


The 30 second promo for Turkey Day just went up. Just when I thought maybe there wasn't going to be anything this year.

Hosted by Jonah Ray, this year’s marathon features celebrity MSTies David Dastmalchian, Mike Flanagan, Bryan Fuller, Mark Hamill, Matthew Lillard and Kumail Nanjiani and MST3K stalwarts Joel Hodgson, Felicia Day, Emily Marsh, and Mary Jo Pehl, all of whom will share a favorite MST3K episode with their fellow fans. The fun starts bright and early at 5 am ET on November 28 on Shout! TV and The MST3K Channel.

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