
joined 6 months ago
[–] [email protected] -1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Try using your words. What the fuck are you even trying to say?

This post is seriously sad though. Here you are enthusiastically disseminating propaganda for some of the most soulless, most evil humans who have ever lived just because they pretend that they're better than their buddies from two doors down the hall

[–] [email protected] -1 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (3 children)

it's not the point of the post.

Yes we know the point of the post is "Democrats good" so it sounds off topic to you when people push back against that. But $25k of down payment assistance is fucking pathetic and we need to be calling this shit out.

The democrat solution isn't "get 3 more chairs" it is "provide the 7 kids who are already in chairs some extra materials to build more chairs for themselves"

[–] [email protected] 9 points 4 months ago (1 children)

"Transferring ownership" of a collection of information which costs no money or labor to infinitely reproduce is the opposite of a good use case, it's inherently worthless

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 months ago

Kill your native flora. Replace it with native fauna.

Plant those bees

[–] [email protected] 8 points 5 months ago (2 children)

But do they have to submit a request if they tell the audience “fuck it, this is now a sub about X, we’ll remove everything that’s not about X”?

No that just isn't allowed. I'm not joking, the admins have removed entire mod teams and installed new ones because the mod teams decided to change the topic of the sub.

[–] [email protected] 29 points 5 months ago (4 children)

I don’t have an issue with someone using AI and calling themselves an artist, as long as they’ve generated the AI model based on their own previous art.

That's, uh, not what happened here. And I've never heard of anyone doing that. Anyone with the skill to draw the kinds of pictures they want would simply draw the kinds of pictures they want instead of putting in tons of effort to get an AI to do it worse

Prompting an AI is not making art

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 months ago (1 children)

While there are a couple of novels, I have not read them. I asked one of the guys responsible for the core worldbuilding about them once, and he said he couldn't get past the galley proofs so... not a high recommendation lmao

I learned from the source. The in-game texts. 99% of the lore you can find in the wikis is whatever random person's subjective interpretation of those in-game texts. It's better to read through them directly and come to your own conclusions.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 months ago (3 children)

No I'm just a nerd who reads a lot

I actually can't stand fudgemuppet, dude takes 40 mins to say what could (and should) be said in 5

[–] [email protected] 6 points 5 months ago (6 children)

They’re literally all-powerful gods that reign over their own worlds

Kind of but not really. Their "worlds" are just their true bodies. They are all-powerful in the sense that you are all-powerful compared to the bacteria living in your gut, which is to say that they're not really. They have entirely finite power even within and over their own domains.

See: the Champion of Cyrodiil (in addition to teams of entirely normal people) invading Dagon's Oblivion gates and shutting them down. An all-powerful god would simply vaporize you the moment you tried to oppose him in his domain. Or forcibly convert you into a warrior of his armies. Or instantly transform all your bones into breadsticks and laugh as you cronched into a pile on the floor--but don't worry, he decided not to give you permission to die. Enjoy being a breadcrumb puddle.

that are quite possibly the same size as, if not bigger than Nirn.

Kind of a misunderstanding of the cosmology. Nirn is a finite round planet floating in (something equivalent to) space. The planes of Oblivion are infinite planes forced into the rough appearance of round planets by mortals whose minds can't comprehend infinity. They're not comparable to Nirn because they aren't even a similar type of cosmic structure, they only appear similar through the very limited eyes of mortals.

I don’t think we can apply our conventions of sex and biology to them lol.

This is definitely true though. I'm personally in the school of thought that Daedric Princes aren't really people the way that, for example, the Tribunal's components are, or for a real world example the way the Greek gods are. The Daedric Princes are concepts personified, or maybe even concepts forced into an anthropomorphic shape by uncomprehending mortal eyes, the same way the Planes of Oblivion will appear like finite round planets from afar.

Mehrunes Dagon isn't, I would argue, a guy who likes to destroy things. Mehrunes Dagon is destruction. He's not a bad guy because he's not a guy at all. Mehrunes Dagon enacts destruction and change the same way a hurricane does--not purposefully, not with malice, not even consciously in the same way a human can. Mehrunes Dagon simply, the same way you or I breathe, destroys.

That isn't to say that they are all the concept of their spheres. Hypothetically destroying Mehrunes Dagon wouldn't remove the concept of destruction from the universe. But Mehrunes Dagon is the being representing--made of, perhaps--that concept as it exists in the foundation of the universe.

The universe which I might add is a song, dreamt by the unimaginable and inconceivable higher-dimensional godhead. But that's a topic for nerds nerdier than I.

[–] [email protected] 23 points 5 months ago

it’s just that there’s an emphasis on the authority of the Bible, sharing of faith, and personal salvation

Two of those three things are at best annoying and at worst deadly to the evangelical Christian's victims

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 months ago (6 children)

I don't know anything about the structure of the government of Denmark or Poland but I will say that I don't have a particularly positive view of their societies or peoples from what little I have seen to judge them by. What is the point of this latest non-sequitur? Are you capable of speaking on the topic at hand or do you only ever reply with left field references to other existing things or hypothetical things that do not exist?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 5 months ago

Yup, and communism just keeps on winning. The US is collapsing before your eyes and you can't even see it.

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