While we are all on the same ride to hell, your ride to hell is your's, and your's alone. Do what you feel like doing and try not to worry overly much.
joined 2 years ago
This is the very first time. What do you think it's all about?
Mmmmmmmmhmmmmmm. I know that's right. Preach on!!!
Maybe both at the same time.
The Illiad, or the Odyssey. Gotta be.
That's.... weird.
Big flare, seismic waves propagating on the surface, and POOF.
New kid's puking in corner...
Higher pay.
Peppercorn, Parmesean, and Paprika meet Rosemary at her favorite watering spot.
We can, and do, eat wood. It's listed as "cellulose" in the ingredients, and it's in everything. Your ice cream, your bread, probably up in yo closet doin your Mamma right now
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A sick population is a peoples willing to pay for medicine. Ain't capitalism grand?