Citra got caught in the crosshairs too.
I spend maybe 30 minutes doing actual work on average. Then once a blue moon I get off my ass and finish my assigned projects in like 3 hours and continue to do nothing.
Then the world would be a better place and it would likely use less RAM
Drop the ISOs on torrent, problem solved. No need to reinvent the wheel, just do what the pirates have been doing for decades at this point.
People think that Windows doesn’t do swap because on Windows it’s done automatically for you. Does it wear down the SSD? Yes, but so does every other write operation. Ideally, getting like 32gigs of ram so you’ll never have to use your swap is ideal(or at least use less), but not everyone can do that.
אחי וואטאפאק
I guess it was only a matter of time till gov agencies got tired of pretending and looking for exploits or buying them from security researchers. Now they’re just going to make security updates illegal to back door your machine, hooray.
MikroTik hAP ax3 seems to fit the requirements and is what I’m currently running. They add their enterprise features into the “consumer” packages, allowing you to set up VLANs, meshes, etc
Good. Short content is brain rotting
I don’t have a gitlab account and I am able to view it. Not sure what’s wrong
I have a single passthrough VM that I use for building Windows binaries.
I followed this tutorial:
I’m not a fan of alternative packaging solutions. Never been. If it’s not in Debian’s repositories then I don’t bother with it. Some would say that’s close minded as not all packaging solutions are bad but when you use a stable distribution like Debian the native packaging solution is a lot easier to maneuver and troubleshoot than flatpaks and the like.