Technically bows are also generally more quiet, but that's a very small point most of the time.
Because the two countries have been attacking each other economically, politically, intellectually, and digitally for decades now.
Just because people aren't shooting guns at each other doesn't mean a war isn't happening.
The US is also at war with China.
It wouldn't work with the ndp at all. The bq might with exactly the right set of accommodations, but you're right it will be tenuous
I'm almost 40, I disagree.
You arent an infant after about 12ish, but it can vary depending on the kid.
These mother fuckers never learn.
Not really how our monkey brains work generally. We're biologically programmed to do lots of things, like want to have babies (or at least sex and not be smart about it) and to take care of them. Not everyone does a good job, but historically speaking it's led to a population of a few hundred people turning into a few billion.
Feces aren't a no-no, they just need to be treated very carefully as you mentioned.
We use non-human feces all the time for farming.
All the waste products of humans (carbon dioxide, urine, feces) are food for plants.
And all the Plants are food for humans.
Remember republicans, you are the ones who handed your country away.
No, you can ask, the answer is that anyone with that kind of specialized knowledge is not handing it out for free to random people on the internet. The places that you could obtain it are expensive or require social groups that random lemmy trolls don't have.
Anywhere you have access to is out of its depth
There's zero chance this catches on, nobody wants to get rid of a camera bump badly enough to carry around a second device.