What's wrong with you? You should be ashamed how you pretend to care about what's happening in Gaza. You aren't thinking about the people there, just the internet points you might be able to win by accusing anyone who disagrees with you of supporting it. Not to mention the man you're trying to defend by invoking it is one of the few assholes who actually has voiced support for the genocide. All he talks about when is comes to Gaza is how it's a haven for terrorists; no "fine people on both sides" there. But of course, your next line is telling lies about how Trump made this ceasefire happen.
I mean, do you hear yourself? "Every US president other than Trump can be considered a single entity! Fewer people died when Trump was president than FDR so he's actually a saint! Stalin was cool tho." If you wanna eat shit so badly, do it in silence, you're disgusting.
I checked Reddit last month for the first time since June of 2023 and had 4 notifications. 3 of them were about buying into Reddit's fucking shitass IPO. I guess people just aren't interested in my half-life hot takes :(