It's simplier to do report about thing mostly everybody already know than finding real solution
Yup build by thief for thief
To use the accountant exemple AI right now or at least the way corp seem to use it is like asking someone without any accountant or spreadsheet knowledge to do the job of 5 accountant sure it might work but for how long and how many accountant you gonna need to repair and clear the problem later but that part don't interest them only short sight profit is important
I wonder how many people told him is parent should have abort him
2024 if going to be the year of Layoffs in anything creative that AI can do in gaming.
Have i not seen a article already talking about how they use AI to replicate voice of video game actor recently?
But since most of AAA are shit now anyway wont change much
Did anyone really believe starbuck was using ethical sourcing ?
Russia is so fucked up that i first read that as forein figther will receive a russian citizen and it's still make sense for russia
It is truly a weird and sometimes funny timelines
What do people expected from a china state own massive surveillance and propaganda app?
Just to be sure we don't tell him by accident what is name and contact info again?
Nooo you got it all wrong priest don't rape they inject homosexuality vaccine with their own seringe
There been a lot of No shit moment for a couple of month now like No shit the climate will get worse No shit trump and the GOP are fascist No shit people are happier when there is less car around where they live No shit incels need mental health help ( all that just from useless "research" and article i've seen today )