Will check out Children of Time then.
Interesting ideas..
OK so he has very piercing yellow eyes! Interesting, nevertheless.
This article is about research on self healing properties of Roman concrete. It's not all about a one on one comparison. The chemistry behind the self healing properties is interesting and not definitively established.
This article is literally about doing research to better understand the chemistry behind the self healing properties of Roman concrete to maybe use the findings to improve modern concrete. This is the aspect which I find so interesting : the chemistry. Literally no one is talking about going back to traditional values and blah blah. That's something which I personally abhor. Did you even read the article? Where did you find this in the article? Of course titles of articles tend to be over dramatic.
Well if some research on Roman concrete can help us better understand self healing, won't that be good?
It's basically the self healing properties of Roman concrete that I find fascinating.
That's interesting!
That was interesting. The name "pazuzu" sounded familier to me, probably because of the movie.
Seriously I had such a good laugh reading this before going to sleep. I couldn't get over the image of the person opening their bedroom door to be greeted by their cat with a knife in it's mouth! Some hold up, right!
Very pretty drawing. Also the cat looks so cute and cuddly.
This is exactly what I was thinking about!