Shadow of Mordor in a nutshell.
The goal of an emergency fund is to be available for an eventual emergency. If you lose your job and need to live on saved up money for a few months, you might be forced to sell stock at the wrong time, losing capital. There is a middle ground where you invest that money in a low-risk investment product that will grow with time, without the volatility of the stock market.
To be fair, 6 month is a lot, and most likely not the first goal someone should have when it comes to personal finance starting from zero.
New phobia unlocked
She can always go back to STEM later. OnlyFans is not necessarily the end of a career.
I toyed with a Pinephone last year. Most of my complains were toward the hardware, although I didn't try every basic functionality either.
It took me a while to setup the OS because I wanted to try a few different distros and screwed up a few times here and there. Arch was the most stable of those I tried. It also comes with a built-in right to brag about using Arch, which is cool. I think that using a more recent and higher grade phone could make it usable in the day to day, as the pinephone is more of a development tool. Otherwise, give it a few more years.
Just install Linux mobile at this point
I don't have one, I'm browsing from my computer. I still go through all the inconveniences listed above and some more. Checkmate, smartphone user.
Terrorism is defined as the use of violence against non-combatants for political reasons. Of course it's socially constructed. Doesn't mean he doesn't fit the definition.
Yeah, even visualization aside, I guess insects are not that interesting to cook compared to your usual animals. You probably won't make yourself a "steak" from crickets alone. What is usually sold is flour. You can spread it on your salad to add proteins, or make burgers patties with them.
I write all that as if I was an expert, but I honestly never tried it ^^. One day, probably.
Let's just adopt them all.
Invade my home, not the native fauna.