Exactly!! this is what I was thinking! i can totally see him using it as a way to get out of trouble. he always does
Question - I saw someone leaked the charges. could this impact the trial at all? like, could he claim it was improper and therefore get the whole thing thrown out?
I am honestly asking because I am not good at understanding the law lol
oh wow! that must really make Trump nervous then haha
OKay so what happens if someone on the grand jury is like harcore MAGA and they refuse to agree with the evidence? Can they still indict him?
Can someone explain what an RSS feed is? Sorry im not super technically literate 😅
lol now I am imagining a game of burnout or need for speed sprinkled in with some GTA 😆
the article did not give anywhere NEAR enough information lol
Right? Like, WOW how does this even happen? like was there a ramp or something??
Thats better, but i still agree with OP. I cant take the design seriously and it makes me laugh its so bad
Oh wow! If that was the inspiration then im surprised they didnt make it a future paradox pokemon!
Ugh, I just left. Why does u/spez insist on coming up with all these shitty monetary schemes???
i am just worried this mistake could lead to a mistrial