Ah, my mistake. Thanks for the correction
Thank you for responding. I have boiled down the aggregate of answers as basically a tankie supports authoritarianism, or use of violence to deal with opposition. If this take is incorrect, someone please correct where I have it wrong. Btw, I have deliberately ignored references to left/right as meaningless in my quest for information.
Thank you all for your help, it is much appreciated!
Epic :)
Prisoner of Azkaban was my favorite for that one shining moment of hope for Harry, that he could live with someone who knew his parents, loved them, and loves him. The hope was dashed too quickly though, I cried harder when Sirius died (in order of the Phoenix) than I did when Dumbledore died.
Not really, you can love the stories and still not support the views of the author
Aww cutie pie sleeping bags!
Couch art
That looks like a slicker type brush, but I could be wrong. Maybe try something with softer bristles and see if it's more easily tolerated?
That is pretty awesome, look out Grumpy Cat!
Absolutely! You don't have any say in what family you are born into, they might be good, might suck ducks, more likely somewhere in between. You can choose family that are not biologically related to you, and love them as purely or even more so than you do biological family. Many refer to their close friends as chosen family for this very reason. Love who you love and be happy, no matter who may try to piss on your happiness.