Netflix are showing this live here in the UK at 19:00. I’m guessing that’s the same for all places that it’s on Netflix.
And that’s why I stopped watching like 4 seasons ago. It’s just edited drama where there was none.
Any word if drew injured his knee in his match with Jimmy?
He seemed to be holding his knee after coming off the ropes, I saw him talking to Jimmy whilst on the mat, then all of a sudden Jimmy went for a splash, missed and Drew hit the Claymore. Seemed liked it was a call mid match.
As a weekly player with friends, bees and cuccos are pretty fun when they show up. My favourite though is definitely the Home Run bat. So satisfying to hit each player with it.
This thing writes itself!
So, if he were to turn up on NXT (due to the partnership) would he come out as Elias? If he came out as Elija then Kevin Owen’s needs to come out after and do the whole “you’re Elias” and now mention is he from triplets.
One of the few that probably goes against this is Julie Kavner, voice of Marge Simpsons. You can tell how different she sounds after 35+ years of doing Marge, Patty and Selma. I think it’s one of the reasons Marge seems to have less lines in more recent episodes.
Point for fastest lap for any driver in the race would have been the easiest solution. Gives drivers lower in the field a chance for a point and could make both ends of the table exciting come the end of the season.
I lurk. I still play (since launch) and am still getting a couple new DIY recipes on occasion. I really just play for something to relax for 15 minutes.
“I will send you to Heaven before I send you to Hell”
Could that have been a work? Genuine question. WWE like surprise returns at the rumble and having everyone think Bliss had not come to an agreement made the return even more of a surprise, for me at least.
Tap for spoiler
If you still want it. Tour. He got a tour of the factory.