Me and my friend both switched from Reddit at the same time when the apps died.
Watch strange new worlds, Mike is rightfully dead inside after disco, but I genuinely like a majority of Strange New worlds, and generally align with Mike and Rich on most other Star Trek. I do think they praised season 3 of picard too much.
Peter Dibble has some great documentaries on historical curiosities around the Pacific Northwest, and beyond.
Technology Connections does deep dives into topics of technology, specific devices and appliances, and generally is very entertaining and informative.
RedLetterMedia for film critiques, so bad it’s good reviews, and comedy.
Defunctland does documentaries around theme parks.
Tasting History with Max Miller is a very educational historical food dishes show. Not super long form.
Matt Baume does great “LGBTQ+ in TV, historically” type of content. And wrote a book about it which is great too.
Stand-up Maths does great math content. Yeah, it’s math, but it’s fun. Bonus is he also wrote a great book relating to his content about engineering and maths mistakes in real life on large scales.
LGR- retro computer tech
Techmoan- retro audio tech
They should mandate the drinks bottle as well. I know it gets hot and some drivers prefer not to have it even on hot races, but it could kill them if it gets hot enough and they keep pushing it.
No bloody A B C or D
Still better than most new adult animated shows
Oh man, I haven’t rewatched Archer is ages. Now I need to
I have a hard time watching any sitcoms. I can do one watch through but then I feel like I know all the joeks already, which is weird, because that is not an issue with me for futurama for example. Have to agree about TNG
Where do you think diapers go?
The one caveat is, it’s going to be out of visual range soon and we won’t get any more info for a few years
Even if they ran these stores on skeleton crews of like 3 people per store which would be insane, that’s still 2400 people losing their jobs