But some will. He's a rich sportsman
That's literally how they intreduced them
Because that's all the games they have. Imagine they would also suck. People who bought a ps5 would feel even dumber
Religion is wild. When i tell people that i don't drink alcohol they think it's either for religious reason or because i'm a former alcoholic. When i tell them that i simply don't like it, i'm weird. Somehow it's less weird to not drink because of some pedo magic man from the past said i'm not allowed to.
Those were the good old days. These days amazon reviews are: New 2024 Stainless Steel knive HD super sharp i like. *****
The funny thing is that this is actual flat earth lore. And no, you can't just go there and see it, because the government won't let you, you'll die, you just turn around and just forgot what you saw. Depending on your local flat earthers.
I really like how similar to religion it is. Yeah, when you die you go to heaven, you juat have to trust me bro.
Aame and i think that's why it doesn't fit in here. You can enjoy the game and still hate that shit. I agree with the whole weapon nerf thing and i think people take it way too serious. I only play on helldiver difficulty and you van use quite literally every gun you want as long as you have a team that halfway know what to do. If the most fun gun in the game was a nerf gun, i would use it, i like that they change guns every now and then.
I mean yeah, but antivaxxers and flat earthers also look at this and go: so true.
The craziest thing about the whole Trump thing to me is that a re-election is even on the table.
Like american politics are usually kinda predictable. When Donnie got elected, i assumed that he's gonna do such an embarrassingly bad job, that after a year or two, pretty much everyone would just shrug and go: well i don't know how he got elected, i didn't vote for that baffoon. And then the new president comes around and he would disappear in obscurity as one of these weird things that happens because haha americans dumb.
But somehow, after seeing for 4 years what a bang up job he did and is still doing, he's still in the race for being president. It's one of these things that i just can not comprehend. I can't watch a single clip of him that makes me believe that he is an actual real person and not some cartoon villain.
To me that is the real story when i see these posts, not the whole x voting for y.
We can't light up a bridge, the political climate is just too rough.
My friend texted me that she went out on the weekend and complained that everyone was wearing trainers and mullets.
And yeah, that might be kinda odd, but i grew up wearing baggie pants and spiked up blonde hair, i don't think i have any ground to stand on.
Man some rice vinegar actually sounds fucking good with hummus