I'm not even Garman or a real Rammstein fan but whenever I hear Du Hast my mind goes into Rammstein mode like Pavlov's dogs.
Have you ever played Magic the Gathering Arena? Because they use the same algorithm I swear on everything I hold dear and valuable to me.
Give me a break... I'm still trying to wrap my head around how transistors work. For a layman this is like magic.
When I learned about how they are making the new CPUs it blew my mind. Dropping a microscopic droplet of metal and blasting it with lasers to a stencil like thingy to create the nanometer circuitry. I was like how the fuck did you even thought about doing that?.. Technologies like these are really marvelous.
And me still not giving a Fuck...
I mean who is surprised at this point?
I'm 50 and I don't follow any news. I have limited time left can't be bothered to spend it away worrying or feeling sorry about unfortunate events.
In it for the long game. 🤪
I might have anger issues because any time someone tells me to touch grass I want to just violently make them eat the said touching grass.
Thanks for sharing.
As long as they don't have the option to make the offenders walk the plank no self respecting airline CEO would allow there to be a brig.