
joined 2 years ago
[–] BurntPunk@kbin.social -4 points 1 year ago (3 children)

I’m no expert, but I’ve asked the same question myself.

First off, I’ve been told that yes, exhaust from I.C.E. vehicles is very much a HUGE environmental concern. That being said, however- due to issues with current electrical generation, means that unless large steps are taken toward sustainable green energy, running the current grid for enough to cover charging needs produces a comparatively close amount of pollution per mile driven. On top of that, is the issue with the rare-earth minerals needed to manufacture the batteries used in current EVs, which are extremely damaging to mine, especially in increasing quantities. And finally- once they are worn out, there is no reliably safe way to dispose of those batteries. And the current lifecycle of them averages around 3-5 years, so as more are disposed of, that impact on soil and water tables is projected to skyrocket.

So it’s a many-fold issue, and at the end of the day they aren’t necessarily WORSE than ICE vehicles, but they are also not really any better.

As for why people THINK they are super environmentally friendly? In a word- marketing.

[–] BurntPunk@kbin.social 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Where are you that’s 4.5 hrs from Tennessee and 6 hours from Florida? I can hit the Florida line from Birmingham in about 3.5, and can be on Nashville in about the same… meaning I can drive from the Tennessee line to Florala in about 6 hours- and that’s the whole state lol.

[–] BurntPunk@kbin.social 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

It is seriously so underrated. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve played it over the years. I was actually really disappointed when they abandoned it so quickly. But honestly it’s just a great game as is. The atmosphere is absolutely perfect.

[–] BurntPunk@kbin.social 1 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Mad Max at the moment, getting ready to jump in and check out Starfield once I finish that

[–] BurntPunk@kbin.social 107 points 2 years ago (4 children)

~~Some~~ MOST things just shouldn’t be connected to the internet.


[–] BurntPunk@kbin.social 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

That’s fair, I can see where you’re coming from there for sure.

To be honest, I ran through all the different endings once, and then settled on one that I personally prefer every time after that for a bit, but lately I actually just play all the way through, finish every gig, mission, and scanner hustle up to that final point of no return, and that’s where I quit. Then start over from scratch lol. I’ve ended my last 3 playthroughs that way.

[–] BurntPunk@kbin.social 3 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (3 children)


I mean, I’m not a big fan of “Five different endings” (technically 6) that literally just exist as “select which ending you would like” in a dialogue choice to choose the last mission, I’ll give you that. That being said though, I really do feel like all of them represent different attitudes and/or takes on the story preceding, and really feel like they could be a legitimate close to the story each in their own way.

Just curious if it’s a similar feeling for you, or if you actually don’t like the endings themselves

[–] BurntPunk@kbin.social 7 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (5 children)

Fallout NV
Fallout 4
Witcher 3
Ghost of Tsushima
Mass Effect (full trilogy)
BioShock (mostly 1, but sometimes 2 and 3 as well)
Borderlands (1 and 2, never really got into 3 or the Tales games)
Red Dead Redemption (both)
Assassins Creed Black Flag
Mad Max
Cyberpunk 2077
Dying Light (the original. Haven’t played 2 yet)

As far as single-player goes, the ones above all have several hundred hours each (a couple of them well over 1000 lol), across countless play throughs lol

[–] BurntPunk@kbin.social 6 points 2 years ago

Screw driver or pocket knife works too.

[–] BurntPunk@kbin.social 17 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Fun fact: Xenophobia just means “fear of “others”” (technically “fear of alien” but using the definition of alien that is “not like the observer”). So it can apply to any group- national, racial, religious, even regional or tribal.

It is the umbrella term for all interpersonal bigotry.

[–] BurntPunk@kbin.social 50 points 2 years ago (5 children)

Growing up in Alabama we used to joke that the unofficial AL state motto is “Well, at least we ain’t Mississippi” and Mississippi’s motto is “Well, at least we ain’t Missis…AW DAMMIT”

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