
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Definitely, especially since they’re at least on the right trajectory, being on lemmygrad and all. Lord knows I’ve evolved from first being on here, I didn’t read as much theory when I first joined, that’s for sure, now I have a whole long reading list

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 years ago (6 children)

I had a few minor disagreements with him, mostly good interactions, every once in a while I was vaguely offput by the Baathist love bc the baathists were not cool w the idea of communism and Saddam (yea I know Anti-imperialism is better than licking the boot, but Qaddafi was anti-imperialist and way more based) was not Fuckin cool, not someone to look up to. And ultimately when I saw the posts leading to their ban, I was disgusted by the Faux-Marxism displayed. To paraphrase they said Since DialMat means everything develops and nothing is guaranteed or static, we can disregard the labor aristocracy in relation to Israel and Palestine because it will eventually break off anyways. I believe they had said that Palestinians and Israeli proletarians had common goals(which is not true really) which meant a 2 state solution is fine and that PatSoc Israelis are real communists and that Palestinians shouldn’t be against a Socialist Israel. That whole thing stunk to high heavens of a basic misunderstanding of settler colonialism and Israel’s history of expansion and oppression against West Asians and made me happy to see the ban

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Not to mention that Marx wrote about Fictitious capital, and how when interest rates(or other essentials) increase, investment into fictitious capital decreases generally. This should not be a big surprise that it doesn’t do well in an awful period of recession/inflation and increasing interest rates.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 years ago

“Elon plz Pump Doge! I love Tesla and you’re the sweetest smartest oligarch I swear! Pump Doge or my daughter won’t afford her school lunch for the next 2 years!”

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 years ago

I anticipate a crowd of wannabe Indiana Jones and Nathan Drakes incoming, just like all the wannabe Rambos when Ukraine let foreign legions in

[–] [email protected] 12 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I bet that doesn’t work for Chemotherapy, or the prescriptions or the overnight stays and scans that come with cancer. Something tells me that cancer patients will still get shafted by an itemized bill


1.)Intros to Marxism and Basic Origins 2.) Historical and Dialectical Materialism 3.) Scientific Socialism 4.) Philosophy of Marxism 5.) Marxian Economics

1.) Introductions to Marxism and its basic origins A. Principles of Communism by F Engels B. 3 sources and component parts of Marxism by VI Lenin C. Why Socialism? by A Einstein D. On Authority by F Engels E. The Communist Manifesto by K Marx & F Engels

2.) Historical and Dialectical Materialism A. Anarchism or Socialism? by JV Stalin B. The German Ideology by K Marx C. On The Origin of the Family, Private Property and The State by F Engels D. Dialectical and Historical Materialism by JV Stalin

3.) Scientific Socialism A. Socialism: Utopian and Scientific by F Engels B. Critique of the Gotha Programme by K Marx C. What is To Be Done? by VI Lenin D. Reform or Revolution by R Luxembourg E. The State and Revolution by VI Lenin F. Imperialism and the split in socialism by VI Lenin G. Left Wing Communism: An Infantile Disorder by VI Lenin H. Combat Liberalism by M Zedong I. Foundations of Leninism by JV Stalin J. Marxism and the National Question by JV Stalin

4.) Philosophy of Marxism A. On Practice by M Zedong B. On Contradiction by M Zedong C. On correcting mistaken ideas within the party by M Zedong D. Oppose Book Worship by M Zedong E. Serve The People by M Zedong F. Quotations from the Chairman by M Zedong G. 12 Recommendations by HC Minh H. Theses on Feuerbach by K Marx

5.) Marxian Economics A. Value, Profit and Price by K Marx B. Wage Labor and Value by K Marx C. Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism by VI Lenin D. Das Kapital by K Marx

I will add more in the future, I just want to gather more texts so I can put it in an order that makes sense. For example, I would still like to add in The Green Book, Bloodlies and Khrushchev Lied by Furr, Sakai’s Settlers, Blackshirts and Reds somewhere and if absolutely necessary I can add in more Marx and Engels and Lenin, but I feel that I have a good amount of them already. If you have any suggestions or any essential texts that could pertain to Black Liberation, Intersectionality or historical overviews, lmk, I’m tweaking this list to make the most sense to both a beginner and an experienced Marxist, i.e, Don’t make the rookie mistake of skipping DialMat, but also don’t bore people with DialMat before you explain the basics. Any suggestions lmk, thanks


https://www.opentech.fund/results/supported-projects/preparing-tor-browser-android-mainstream-adoption/ I was looking around to see what else USAGM(us agency for global media) funds besides the obv RFE/RFA/VOA. So I looked on USAGM website to see what else they fund, they also fund Office of Cuba Broadcasting, Middle East Broadcasting Network and Open Technology Fund. I never heard of the last few, so I check Tech Fund. I see stuff about supplying internet to areas (I presume giving technology to armed insurgents or something) and other stuff. I look to see who These People are funding, and now I see they fund a shit load of tech projects, donating thousands upon thousands of dollars to each project. One of them is a Tor Browser. This is kinda weird because Tor Browsers market themselves as being more subtle with your info and stuff, yet they are being actively funded by the US Government’s Media Branch. What do you guys think?

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 years ago

Twitter sabotaged the rocket, they want to keep him here on Earth to pay for the acquisition like he promised

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago

Thanks lol, I’m gonna read this and take all of it to heart like it’s Marxist theory just to not watch it

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago (2 children)

A lib friend is like “omG u NeeD to WaTch This MovIe!!” Im like “😕🫤yea…uh…maybe…😕” what pisses me off most about this film is that I know how susceptible my friend is to this. He def won’t join the military, but his opinion on them will absolutely change(this is what liberalism does to your brain) I don’t wanna watch this fuckin movie! Can someone send spoilers in case he asks if I saw it? Bc he was gonna make me watch Top Gun but I said I just saw it