I know at least one YouTuber cutdown a salvage Plaid and put a Honda Odyssey minivan shell on it for drag racing.
Glances nervously at Ford, Mitsubishi, VW, BMW...
I've gone to the protests. Sadly, millions are not protesting.
Everybody here is paycheck-to-paycheck. Missing work because you were illegally detained at a protest may be the difference between living in a crappy apartment, or living under a bridge.
Part of the 2025 playbook is to get trump unlimited unchecked power, and use the military to enforce it domestically. Riots in the streets would certainly do that.
Right now, trump is doing more harm to his constituents than to his enemies. Republican politicians can barely show their faces in their own distric here. Don't give them another target to transfer that hate to.
Paging D.B Cooper.
You know? Honestly, telling them they lost their job, house and country because they joined a political cult led by a spray-tanned \ hitler wannabe, isn't really the "being an asshole" thing that you think it is, and more along the lines of just telling them to truth to their faces.
Right, because telling people "they're special and nice and it's not their fault that the orange dictator is ruining the country" has historically never ever worked once.
Heres the problem. We kept the gloating and "I told you so" to a minimum after Trump round 1 and the Civil war.
Hammer it home. They need to know Every. Fucking. Minute. Of every. Fucking. Day. That the choices they made got them fired, took their job, and ruined their country. Almost everyone knew it was going to happen and warned them, and they just dug deeper with their knee-jerk "nuh-uh" fake news 3rd grade playground bully logic. They need to know beyond a doubt that they are stupid, short-sighted, easily manipulated bigots. Why? Because the only way they can change it and do better is if they fucking know it, believe it, and see that they need to change it.
There is a lot of shit people aren't doing because they don't want to cross the line and become domestic terrorists. You do NOT want to move that line over them.
Generally, if no one is going to account for it, just cave. They're one asshole out of tens of not hundreds of customers you will help today. The time it takes to enforce the policy is probably not worth the cost of whatever they are bitching about. Worse comes to worse, check with your manager, they are paid to deal with jackasses, and have the authority to override charges or deny transaction and eject the customer from premises.
Source : Worked Front end sales, Floor sales, Sales management and Ops Management for a Big Box retail store for 4 years.
Fury Road was good. My only complaint is that Furiosa and Mad Max were probably the weakest performances in the film.
Furiosa (movie, not the character) missed the mark by a longshot.
That's... Basically every car made in the last 15 years?