Ever since the update accessing lemmy.ml/api/v2/user/login 404s for me
Pkgsrc does this. It's just a huge pain.
I think that did it. Thanks.
Is there an old copy of the API docs around? The ones that explained how you authenticate over HTTP and websockets?
How do you authenticate though?
Author of the article here. I'm not really critiquing your questions as much as just giving them my own answers and input because they are really good. Your response to post is probably worth being its own blog article on its own.
You’re not “posting up” something on Twitter any more than you’re “publishing” something when you send in a Confession to Seventeen magazine and they take something like it and sell ads next to it. But with the Internet, it’s close enough that people get the illusion that’s what they’re doing.
Yes, so much this. Twitter is an advertising company. Trump must have been paydirt to them. He brought such a captive audience under the most abusive terms. They must have made millions off of his vile posts getting on the news, making people check the website/app to see if it was actually true.
Twitter benefits from making people feel hopeless or angry because those emotions gear people towards interacting with the app/website more. It's only natural that the algorithm driven feeds tend to push towards content that makes people feel that way (this was probably not the intent when such algorithms were developed, but that is definitely the effect I have seen unfold).
What does it mean that the Internet has such a huge place in people’s lives and such a vanishingly small fraction of people could even explain to you how a page shows up in the browser?
The fact that so many people are so illiterate about technology saddens me. It is central to our lives and almost nobody knows how it works. Part of the goal of my posts on my blog are to explain how technology works so that more people can understand. I try to start from as clean as slate as I can, and I hope my intent gets across.
How does it impact our ability to adjust to it as a civilization?
In my experience I've seen technologists come across as literally magic beings that do unexaminable things to make the internets go. It probably doesn't help that things are so damn complicated that it's hard to actually explain things from a moderately clean slate, especially when distributed systems get into the mix.
I use borg backup and I am very happy with it.